Free Culture. How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity
Autor/ka: Lawrence Lessig Izdavač: The Pinguin Press Mesto izdanja: New York Godina izdanja: 2004 Materijal: knjiga Professor Lessig analyzes [...]
Autor/ka: Lawrence Lessig Izdavač: The Pinguin Press Mesto izdanja: New York Godina izdanja: 2004 Materijal: knjiga Professor Lessig analyzes [...]
The authors revisit the evolution of regulation of ownership in the field of intellectual production and housing as two examples of the historical dead-end in which we find ourselves.
The article advocates for preservation of the public libraries in the situation when they are being closed due to the withdrawal of public funds for such purposes.
Knjiga (na francuskom jeziku) je zbirka tekstova dvadeset autora, uglavnom francuskih, koji se bave promenama u konceptu korišćenja digitalnih platformi za dostupnost znanja i rezultata rada u umetnosti, nauci i drugim oblastima znanja.
The book seeks to show the range of enclosures of the commons now underway, theoretical approaches to understanding the commons, and specific projects that use commons principles to generate, protect and share resources.
Starting from a research project FLOK, the authors try to develop specific frames to enhance the systemic use of commons in contemporary capitalist conditions.
The book explains how the commons: is an exploding field of DIY innovation ranging from Wikipedia and seed-sharing to community forests and collaborative consumption, and beyond; challenges the standard narrative of market economics by explaining how cooperation generates significant value and human fulfillment; and provides a framework of law and social action that can help us move beyond the pathologies of neoliberal capitalism.
The book is a collection of texts that present examples of biocultural, neighborhood, collaborative technology, arts and culture, knowledge, infrastruture and other commons.
The texts assembled in this book are a sincere attempt to document the trials and errors in a study of commoning, a series of disruptions, failures, of falling apart, and the search for means to come together again. With this in mind, many of the contributions here do confront questions of methodology: they reflect on methods that support the study as well as the practice of commoning, methods that cherish critical reexamination and allow for unresolved dilemmas.
Autori žele da pokažu zašto se princip komonsa nameće danas kao centralni termin političke alternative za 21. vek: on povezuje antikapitalističku borbu i političku ekologiju povratkom na "zajedničko" nasuprot novih formi privatne i državne aproprijacije.
Tematski broj časopisa Zarez obuhvata niz prevedenih i novih tekstova koji problematizuju slobodu stvaralašta u uslovima marketizacije interneta, kontrole distribucije znanja i proizvoda kreativnih delatnosti i nauke.
The article is the interview for the on line journal e-Flux with two theoreticians, Massimo de Angelis and Stavros Stavrides
The first part is a discussion of the typical difficulties encountered in the making of commons in general. In the second part he analyses a number of typical problems that the constituent community of the knowledge commons, especially universities, their faculties and students, must face in preventing a “tragedy of the knowledge commons.”
Knjiga je zbirka uvodnih izlaganja na seminaru koji je organizovan od 12. do 15. februara 1968. godine, kao i diskusija, postavljanih pitanja i odgovora. Uvodni tekstovi pokrivaju dominantne teme u kulturi, obrazovanju i nauci u jugoslovenskom samoupravnom drluštvu krajem 60-tih godina.
Izveštaj razmatra odnosn države i zajedničkih dobara. Učesnici radionice zastupaju tezu da država i zajednička dobra mogu plodno da koegzistiraju ako zajednica rekonceptualizuje državu iz perspektive zajedničkog dobra. Država može da podrži zajednička dobra i postkapitalističke oblike upravljanja.
Smatramo da je pitanje dostupnosti i upravljanja vodom, njeno održivo korišćenje i zaštita, političko pitanje na koje neće biti moguće dati odgovor, koji je u skladu sa principima jednakosti i demokratičnosti, bez odgovarajuće analize, vizije i akcije koje u fokus stavljaju potrebe ljudi a ne interese kapitala. Cilj nam je da ovo istraživanje doprinese davanju takvog odgovora.
Nema tehničkog rešenja za populacioni problem. Zahteva fundamentalno proširenje u moralnosti.
If 'place' and 'local space' are where the 'tangible solidarities' necessary to build an alternate way of life, and an anti-neoliberal politics, must form, then we cannot avoid confronting the systematic obstacles that have to be overcome in realizing such a project. Claims that sustainable local ecologies can serve as the foundation for political action and social alternatives at least require careful scrutiny.
Knjiga sadrži 7 tekstova Edvarda Kardelja iz perioda izmedju 1941. i 1978. godine.
This paper will argue that the capitalisation of life as know it will be the logical extension of the global capitalist agenda.
Ungoverning Dance examines the work of progressive contemporary dance artists in continental Europe from the mid 1990s to 2015.
In this book James Boyle describe what he calls the range wars of the information age-today’s heated battles over intellectual property.
The text is a critique of commodified reason that will add to the defense of the non-commodified aspects of the academic collective work and its results.
The Telekommunist Manifesto is an exploration of class conflict and property, born from a realization of the primacy of economic capacity in social struggles.
In the first section the book gives a very thorough introduction and analysis of the concept of knowledge as a commons, appropriate for readers of all levels of familiarity with this field. The protection of the knowledge commons is the focus of the second section of the book.
Examining the link between urbanization and capitalism, David Harvey suggests we view Haussmann’s reshaping of Paris and today’s explosive growth of cities as responses to systemic crises of accumulation—and issues a call to democratize the power to shape the urban experience.
My intention is to say something about the potential of the commons as a political project.
Architecture and urban design are usually seen as tools of dominant spatial practices. They are either believed to mask the interests of power and money, or to represent aesthetic concerns that have little to offer for critical theory of space. I counter this view by showing that through rethinking the conception of space in architecture and urban design, as well as the notion of design itself, it is possible to outline a critical and emancipatory design practice, experiential urbanism.
The book is a search for a reconciliation between mental space (the space of the philosophers) and real space (the physical and social spheres in which we all live). In the course of his exploration, Henri Lefebvre moves from metaphysical and ideological considerations of the meaning of space to its experience in the everyday life of home and city.
Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re-make ourselves thereby in a different image.