Spaces of commoning: Urban commons in the ex-Yu region

2020-11-12T01:10:14+01:00Tags: , , , |

The book is a collection of different texts and case studies from the countries of the Western Balkans that have been facing dramatic social, political and economic changes along with the so called transition since the beginning of 1990s. The present texts contextualise the concept of the commons through the practices of various actors, initiatives and organisations in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, while taking a political and critical view on the concept of the commons and discussing its capacities as an alternative to neoliberalism. It is meant to showcase practices that encourage narratives and practices of resistance, transformation and promising a possible change.

Pravo na grad

2018-04-16T20:41:26+01:00Tags: , |

Examining the link between urbanization and capitalism, David Harvey suggests we view Haussmann’s reshaping of Paris and today’s explosive growth of cities as responses to systemic crises of accumulation—and issues a call to democratize the power to shape the urban experience.

Heritage as common(s). Common(s) as heritage

2020-11-12T01:00:33+01:00Tags: , , , |

In 2014 "the Urban Heritage Research Cluster as part of Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg, organized seven seminars under the heading: “Heritage as Common(s) – Commons as Heritage, or HAC-CAH. The seminars have brought us to places like Ground Zero in New York, a creek in Olympia, Café The Swan in Amsterdam, Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility in Petaluma, St Ann´s Church in Manchester, Central Park in New York, the Old city of Jerusalem, Stortorget in Malmö, the Al-Qaryon Square in Nablus, and Gezi Park in Istanbul. We have probed the notion of friendship, scrutinized the paradigm shifts from reproduction to production, explored the tension between top-down and bottom-up heritage. We have enjoyed the potential of biological commons and have looked into the different tempi and temporalities of commoning and heritage works. The seminar series has originated and evolved along the path we set up for the Urban Heritage Research Cluster in the start: “the city as an interface of different temporalities – i.e. past events, dreams for the future and contemporary constraints – and heritage as intermingled in many different urban realities and entangled in issues of aesthetics, ethics, space and power…”."

Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

2018-06-15T14:58:48+01:00Tags: , , , |

The governance of natural resources used by many individuals in common is an issue of increasing concern to policy analysts. Both state control and privatization of resources have been advocated, but neither the state nor the market have been uniformly successful in solving common pool resource problems. After critiquing the foundations of policy analysis as applied to natural resources, Elinor Ostrom here provides a unique body of empirical data to explore conditions under which common pool resource problems have been satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily solved.

Our commons: Political ideas for a new Europe

2020-11-12T22:40:01+01:00Tags: , , , |

This publication explores new politics in Europe and describes the commons in different spheres of society, economy and politics.  The book is divided into seven thematic sections. Most sections have a theoretical position and a practical case study. All sections feature influential thinkers whose voices we want to amplify. This book is comprised of the insights of more than 20 writers, activists and pioneers, standing on the shoulders of hundreds more.

Towards Experimental Urbanism

2018-06-15T14:56:37+01:00Tags: , |

Architecture and urban design are usually seen as tools of dominant spatial practices. They are either believed to mask the interests of power and money, or to represent aesthetic concerns that have little to offer for critical theory of space. I counter this view by showing that through rethinking the conception of space in architecture and urban design, as well as the notion of design itself, it is possible to outline a critical and emancipatory design practice, experiential urbanism.

Kako zajednički do krova nad glavom

2018-06-15T14:11:12+01:00Tags: , , , |

Sa namerom da ovom publikacijom doprinesemo postojećim istraživanjima na temu zadružnog stanovanja, fokusirali smo se na istraživanje primera dobre prakse, odnosno različitih modela stanovanja u evropskim gradovima. Pored toga, ključni deo publikacije predstavlja i analiza normativnog i regulatornog okvira u Srbiji, u nameri da prepoznamo mehanizme i instrumente koji bi omogućili primenu nekih od ovih modela u lokalnom kontekstu ili ponudimo smernice za unapređenje postojećih.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T15:08:19+01:00Tags: , , |

Anri Lefebvre u ovom tekstu predlaže transdukciju, ekspermentalnu utopiju kao mentalne postupke za osmišljavanje novog humanizma i novog grada. Pravo na urbani žvot može da stvori samo radnička klasa i za to su joj potrebni politički program urbane reforme i urbanistički projekti.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T14:58:08+01:00Tags: |

Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re-make ourselves thereby in a different image.

The Production of Space

2018-06-15T14:57:16+01:00Tags: |

The book is a search for a reconciliation between mental space (the space of the philosophers) and real space (the physical and social spheres in which we all live). In the course of his exploration, Henri Lefebvre moves from metaphysical and ideological considerations of the meaning of space to its experience in the everyday life of home and city.

Na šta mislimo kada kažemo…Energetsko siromaštvo, energetska tranzicija i podstandardna romska naselja

2024-05-23T15:20:31+01:00Tags: , |

Srbija se nalazi pred novom tranzicijom, koja će ovog puta biti energetska, što podrazumeva prelazak iz sistema u kome se za proizvodnju energije dominantno koriste neobnovljivi izvori u sistem koji je zasnovan na korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Iskustva ekonomske tranzicije govore nam da broj gubitnika ove tranzicije bio značajno veći nego broj onih koji su iz ekonomske tranzicije profitirali. Da se takva situacija ne bi ponovila i sa energetskom tranzicijom neophodno je u njenu implementaciju uvesti pravednost i socijalnu osetljivost, kako bi se zaštitili najsiromašniji koji su potencijalni gubitnici i energetske tranzicije.

Think like a commoner

2018-06-15T14:41:39+01:00Tags: |

The book explains how the commons: is an exploding field of DIY innovation ranging from Wikipedia and seed-sharing to community forests and collaborative consumption, and beyond; challenges the standard narrative of market economics by explaining how cooperation generates significant value and human fulfillment; and provides a framework of law and social action that can help us move beyond the pathologies of neoliberal capitalism.

Da li bi politika univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka mogla biti primenjiva u Srbiji?

2018-10-16T20:13:59+01:00Tags: , , |

Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?

The future of the commons

2018-06-15T15:04:10+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In this essay, David Harvey argues that the real problem demanding our attention is private property, not the commons itself. The capitalist commons is being continuously enclosed, but it is also being continuously produced. To fulfill our common interests, we need to look to the powers of collective labor to address capitalism's destruction of land and labor resources.

Performing the common city: On the crossroads of arts, politics and public life

2020-11-12T01:06:24+01:00Tags: , , , |

Pascal Gielen, art theoretician from Belgium, writes about the contemporary city, its shift from the space for the bourgeois class to the current trend of privatisation of public spaces and the role of arts in these processes. His analysis is based on theories and practices of Haussmann, Michel de Certeau, Chantal Mouffe, Saskia Sassen and others, while going through different conceptions of the city  as the common space: from Haussmann's urban structure in 18th century to Florida's creative city to the common city.

Zajednička dobra i granice kapitalizma

2018-06-15T14:12:42+01:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Publikacija predstavlja niz uvodnih studija koje povezuje jedno jednostavno pitanje: kakva je uloga zajedničkih dobara u prošlim društvima i na koji način ona mogu pomoći u izgradnji budućih. S tim na umu, ova publikacija proučava pojam zajedničkih dobara kroz kritiku kapitalizma kao sistema robne proizvodnje i rasprave o njegovim mogućim alternativa.

Magacin: Jedan model za samoorganizovani kulturni centar / Magacin: A model for selforganised cultural center

2020-11-12T01:04:31+01:00Tags: , , , |

Publikacija je, kao rezultat zajedničkog rada, predstavila model samoorganizacije nezavisnog kulturnog centra Magacin u Beogradu. Taj model, zasnovan na principima zajedničkog raspolaganja resursima, jednakosti i pravednosti, odgovornosti prema drugima, saradnji i dostupnosti, finansijskoj transparentnosti, kao osnvni mehanizam ima otvoreni kalendar. Njime se omogućava potpuno transparentno upravljanje prostornim resursima, ali i stvaranje zajednice koja zajednički upravlja prostorom i odlučuje o svim aspektima njegovog rada i razvoja.

Funding Cooperative City: Community Finance and the Economy of Civic Spaces

2018-06-15T15:12:34+01:00Tags: , , , |

Situated in the post-welfare transition of European societies within the context defined by austerity measures, unemployment, the financialisation of real estate stocks and the gradual withdrawal of public administrations from social services, this book aims at highlighting the importance of self-organised, locally rooted, inclusive and resilient community networks and civic spaces.

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