Our commons: Political ideas for a new Europe

2020-11-12T22:40:01+01:00Tags: , , , |

This publication explores new politics in Europe and describes the commons in different spheres of society, economy and politics.  The book is divided into seven thematic sections. Most sections have a theoretical position and a practical case study. All sections feature influential thinkers whose voices we want to amplify. This book is comprised of the insights of more than 20 writers, activists and pioneers, standing on the shoulders of hundreds more.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T14:58:08+01:00Tags: |

Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re-make ourselves thereby in a different image.

Governmental Precarization

2020-11-12T22:30:50+01:00Tags: , , |

Precarisation is one of the central concepts of Lorey's research and writing. In this article she aims at explaining the term further dissecting three dimensions of the precarious: precariousness, precarity, and governmental precarization. Her theoretical contribution is of great importance for understanding the world of "cultural producers" in neoliberal society. 

Labour as a commons: The example of workers-recuperated companies

2020-11-12T22:02:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

This article argues that labour can be understood as a commons, located in the discussion of how commons can advance the transformation of social relations and society. To manage labour as a commons entails a shift away from the perception of labour power as the object of capital’s value practices, towards a notion of labour power as a collectively and sustainably managed resource for the benefit of society. Given that social change is largely a result of social struggle, it is crucial to examine germinal forms of labour as a commons present in society. I focus my analysis on worker-recuperated companies in Latin America and Europe. Worker-recuperated companies are enterprises self-managed by their workers after the owners close them down. Despite operating within the hegemonic capitalist market, they do not adopt capitalist rationality and are proven viable. Worker-recuperated companies offer a new perspective on labour as a commons.

Jugoslovensko radničko samoupravljanje

2020-11-12T21:52:20+01:00Tags: , , |

Ovo je transkript dela intervjua koji je snimljen u Beogradu 2003. godine.  "Jugoslovensko samoupravljanje je bilo kako društvena, tako i nacionalna laboratorija. U društvenom smislu, to je bio eksperiment nastao pod uticajem raznih ideja: nasleđe Pariske komune, nasleđe srpske socijalne demokratije sa kraja devetnaestog veka, zaostavština anarhije, koja je kasnije bila veoma važna u kritici staljinizma. Idejni sadržaji anarhije i trockizma su bili sastavni elementi ideologije Titove partije, jer su koristili u kritici staljinizma. Sa druge strane, kao što sam već naglasio, sistem jugoslovenskog samoupravljanja je isto tako bio i nacionalna, čak nadnacionalna laboratorija. To je bio režim, u kome su veoma različite nacije mirno živele, gde je funkcionisala nadnacionalna ekonomija, gde je nadnacionalni vođa bio veoma popularan - od Makedonije do Slovenije."

Ekonomska demokratija kao deo političkog programa nove levice

2022-03-24T10:09:56+01:00Tags: , |

Cilj ovog eseja je da predloži novi fokus leve ekonomske politike koja je decenijama unazad zaglavljena i sterilna u pogledu adresiranja potreba radničke i srednje klase. Umesto da bude mobilizovano kroz zdrav levi i demokratski populizam, levo političko telo uspešno je adresirao autokratski i društveno reakcionarni desni populizam. Ovaj esej predstavlja pokušaj redefinisanja leve ekonomske politike, bazirane na idejama i međunarodnom iskustvu ekonomske demokratije.

The precariat. The new dangerous class

2020-11-12T23:33:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

Standing discusses an emerging class of people facing insecurity, moving in and out of precarious work that gives little meaning to their lives. He warns that the growth of the precariat is producing instabilities in society. Its internal divisions have led to the villainization of migrants and other vulnerable groups and some are susceptible to the dangers of political extremism. Standing argues for a new politics which puts the fears and aspirations of the precariat at the heart of a progressive strategy of redistribution and income security. "This book is about a new group in the world, a class-in-the-making. It sets out to answer five questions: What is it? Why should we care about its growth? Why is it growing? Who is entering it? And where is the precariat taking us?"

Novi oblici samoupravljanja: radničko akcionarstvo i drugi oblici demokratskih preduzeća

2022-07-14T14:27:40+01:00Tags: , , |

Kada govorimo o savremenim borbama protiv komodifikacije rada i svakodnevnog života, te za uspostavljanje drugačijeg – pravednijeg, humanijeg i održivijeg – ekonomskog sistema, ne možemo, a da se ne osvrnemo na iskustvo samoupravnog socijalizma u SFRJ kao jedinstvenog istorijskog primera široke primene principa ekonomske demokratije sa ciljem ostvarivanja većeg učešća zaposlenih u donošenju ekonomskih odluka, decentralizacije vlasništva i vantržišne društvene reprodukcije. Kritički pogled na ovaj period može predstavljati putokaz za osmišljavanje savremenih modela i sistema koji umesto generisanju profita teže zadovoljenju potreba društva (i životne sredine).

State of insecurity: Government of the precarious

2020-11-12T00:59:02+01:00Tags: , , |

From the review by Ana Vujanović: The political theorist Isabell Lorey has appeared as one of the most striking European voices in the recent debate on precarity and precarization in neoliberalism. Her theoretical discourse draws from the referential frameworks of political and biopolitical theory, feminism, gender and postcolonial studies, as well as of recent social and political movements, such as Euromayday, Occupy and 15-M. This invigorating and politically sharp intersection has created a potent critical platform for analyzing representative democracy, biopolitical governmentality, immunization, and precarization, which belong to Lorey's main concerns. Isabell Lorey is particularly concerned with the neoliberal “state of insecurity” and how it relates to the process of precarization. In fact, although the book is entitled State of Insecurity, it could also be considered a sequel of Lorey’s long-term research on precarity, a sequel that focuses on how precarization is immersed in neoliberal government of and by insecurity. The line that opens the book reads: “If we fail to understand precarization, then we understand neither the politics nor the economy of the present."

Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva

2020-11-12T01:08:38+01:00Tags: , , |

Knjiga prati izložbu održanu u Novom Sadu 2005. godine u produkciji kuda.org.  Tematska instalacija “Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva” Olivera Roslera se fokusirala na raznolike koncepte i modele alternativnih ekonomija i društava, kojima je zajedničko odbacivanje kapitalističkog sistema vladavine. Za svaki koncept je napravljen po jedan intervju. Partneri u intervjuima su ekonomisti, stručnjaci iz oblasti političkih nauka, autori i istoričari. Iz ovih intervjua je napravljen video zapis na engleskom jeziku. Prateća knjiga obuhvata brojne tekstove napisane oko tema koje je pokrenula izložba.

Funding Cooperative City: Community Finance and the Economy of Civic Spaces

2018-06-15T15:12:34+01:00Tags: , , , |

Situated in the post-welfare transition of European societies within the context defined by austerity measures, unemployment, the financialisation of real estate stocks and the gradual withdrawal of public administrations from social services, this book aims at highlighting the importance of self-organised, locally rooted, inclusive and resilient community networks and civic spaces.

Nestandardno zapošljavanje širom svijeta. Razumevanje izazova, oblikovanje mogućnosti

2020-11-12T23:19:49+01:00Tags: , |

Februara 2015. godine Međunarodna organizacija rada je  održala tripartitni sastanak stručnjaka o nestandardnim oblicima zapošljavanja, koji  je okupio stručnjake kako bi, tokom četiri dana, razgovarali o izazovima za dostojanstven rad, koje oblici jurisdictions zapošljavanja mogu da generišu. U zaključcima sastanka, države članice, poslodavci i radničke organizacije pozvani su da osmisle politike za rešavanje deficita dostojanstvenog rada koji se povezuje sa nestandardnim oblicima rada kako bi svi radnici - bez obzira na oblik njihovog angažmana - imali koristi od dostojanstvenog rada.  Ovaj izvještaj se zasniva na pripremama za sastanak stručnjaka 2015. godine, koje su obuhvatile nalaze iz širokog spektra studija o ekonomskim i pravnim aspektima nestandardnih oblika zapošljavanja u mnogim zemljama i not regionima sveta, kao na određene relevantne teme, kao što  je uticaj na preduzeća, i bezbednost i zaštitu zdravlja.

Becoming Common: Precarization as political constituting

2020-11-12T01:09:39+01:00Tags: , , |

"The discourse on precarization that has emerged in the past decade, primarily in Europe, rests on an extremely complex understanding of social insecurity and its productivity. The various strands of this discourse have been brought together again and again in the context of the European precarious movement organised under EuroMayDay....What is unusual about this social movement is not only the way in which under its auspices new forms of political struggle are tested and new perspectives of precarizatin developed; rather - and it is striking in relation to other social movements - it is how it has queered a seemingly disparate fields of the cultural and political again and again. In the past decade, conversations concerning both the (partly subversive) knowledge of the precarious and a search for commons (in order to constitute the political), has conspicuously taken place more in art institution than in social, political, or even academic contexts."

Na šta mislimo kada kažemo…Energetsko siromaštvo, energetska tranzicija i podstandardna romska naselja

2024-05-23T15:20:31+01:00Tags: , |

Srbija se nalazi pred novom tranzicijom, koja će ovog puta biti energetska, što podrazumeva prelazak iz sistema u kome se za proizvodnju energije dominantno koriste neobnovljivi izvori u sistem koji je zasnovan na korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Iskustva ekonomske tranzicije govore nam da broj gubitnika ove tranzicije bio značajno veći nego broj onih koji su iz ekonomske tranzicije profitirali. Da se takva situacija ne bi ponovila i sa energetskom tranzicijom neophodno je u njenu implementaciju uvesti pravednost i socijalnu osetljivost, kako bi se zaštitili najsiromašniji koji su potencijalni gubitnici i energetske tranzicije.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T15:08:19+01:00Tags: , , |

Anri Lefebvre u ovom tekstu predlaže transdukciju, ekspermentalnu utopiju kao mentalne postupke za osmišljavanje novog humanizma i novog grada. Pravo na urbani žvot može da stvori samo radnička klasa i za to su joj potrebni politički program urbane reforme i urbanistički projekti.

Forgotten history of the commons in socialist Yugoslavia: A case of self-managed cultural infrastructure in the period of 1960s and 1970s

2018-06-15T15:03:37+01:00Tags: , , |

The article makes a critical step towards a few now already established claims of the chief theoretical protagonists of the commons – Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri1 – who offer a way out from the allegedly false binaries and dilemmas between private or public, state or market, capitalism or socialism.

The Limits of Eco-Localism: Scale, Strategy, Socialism

2018-06-15T14:49:52+01:00Tags: , , , |

If 'place' and 'local space' are where the 'tangible solidarities' necessary to build an alternate way of life, and an anti-neoliberal politics, must form, then we cannot avoid confronting the systematic obstacles that have to be overcome in realizing such a project. Claims that sustainable local ecologies can serve as the foundation for political action and social alternatives at least require careful scrutiny.

Vazduh kao zajedničko dobro

2022-07-08T15:08:34+01:00Tags: , |

Zagađenje vazduha dolazi iz različitih izvora i oni su se kroz istoriju menjali, kao i njegova koncentracija, ali uzrok je uvek ostajao isti, a to je društvo u kojem živimo. U ovoj knjizi obrađeni su istorijski nivo zagađenja vazduha, trenutni kvalitet vazduha, kao i društveno-ekonomski razlozi i dominantni narativi koji doprinose lošijem kvalitetu vazduha. Čist vazduh i zdrava životna sredina morali bi da budu zajednička dobra koja su svima dostupna, a do toga je moguće doći pre svega politizacijom ove borbe i društvenim promenama.

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