The dynamism of the new economy: Non-standard employment and access to social security in EU-28

2020-11-12T23:00:56+01:00Tags: , |

This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers’ risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country’s policy towards nonstandard work cannot be examined in isolation from its labour market conditions, as well as its growth model, and that uniform policy solutions for non-standard work cannot be applied across EU-28.

Novi oblici samoupravljanja: radničko akcionarstvo i drugi oblici demokratskih preduzeća

2022-07-14T14:27:40+01:00Tags: , , |

Kada govorimo o savremenim borbama protiv komodifikacije rada i svakodnevnog života, te za uspostavljanje drugačijeg – pravednijeg, humanijeg i održivijeg – ekonomskog sistema, ne možemo, a da se ne osvrnemo na iskustvo samoupravnog socijalizma u SFRJ kao jedinstvenog istorijskog primera široke primene principa ekonomske demokratije sa ciljem ostvarivanja većeg učešća zaposlenih u donošenju ekonomskih odluka, decentralizacije vlasništva i vantržišne društvene reprodukcije. Kritički pogled na ovaj period može predstavljati putokaz za osmišljavanje savremenih modela i sistema koji umesto generisanju profita teže zadovoljenju potreba društva (i životne sredine).

The Undercommons: Fugitive planning & black studies

2020-11-12T01:02:34+01:00Tags: , , |

In "The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study", Moten and Harney examine the University, Debt, Politics and Logistics to help us grasp how these (and other) institutions, organizations and capitalist mechanisms (including the State as an agent of capital) reduce our ability to empathize, our capacity for true learning and our ability to love. Moten and Harney define the “The Undercommons” as “Maroon communities of composition teachers, mentorless graduate students, adjunct Marxist historians, out or queer management professors, state college ethnic studies departments, closed-down film programs, visa-expired Yemeni student newspaper editors, historically black college sociologists, and feminist engineers ” that “refuse to ask for recognition and instead want to take apart, dismantle, tear down the structure that, right now, limits our ability to find each other, to see beyond it and to access the places we know lie beyond its walls. ” The structure itself is holding us back; as we pour our energies into combatting mass incarceration, debt-slavery, and the professionalization of intellect, Moten and Harney argue that we only buttress the society that makes such singularly anti-human calamities possible in the first place...

Udruženi rad i samoupravno planiranje

2020-11-12T01:03:50+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Knjiga »Udruženi rad i samoupravno planiranje« sadrži one radove Edvarda Kardelja koji su nastali u vezi sa neposrednom prirodom i donošenjem Zakona o udruženom radu i Zakona o osnovama sistema društvenog planiranja i o društvenom planu Jugoslavije, kao i njihovom razradom i primenom u samoupravnoj praksi. Ovi radovi predstavljaju ne samo teorijsko produbljivanje koncepta i sistema dohodovnih odnosa u udruženom radu na načelima novog Ustava, Zakona o udruženom radu i drugih sistemskih zakona, nego i kritičko razmatranje njihovog neposrednog ostvarivanja. Radovi »O sistemu samoupravnog planiranja« i »Slobodni udruženi rad« su, u stvari, posebne knjige iz serije »Brionske diskusije«. U radu »Dalji razvoj društveno-ekonomskih odnosa na osnovu Ustava i Zakona o udruženom radu i učvršćenje položaja radnika« (1976), Kardelj je ukazao na ulogu svih organizovanih snaga našeg društva, posebno Saveza komunista, u razvoju socijalističkih samoupravnih društveno-ekonomskih odnosa. Rad »Sticanje i raspodela sredstava za lične dohotke na osnovu rada jedno od najaktuelnijih pitanja našeg društva danas« (1978) je intervju redakciji časopisa »Svetlost« iz Kragujevca povodom Desetog susreta samoupravljača Jugoslavije »Crveni barjak«.

Analiza efekata primene izmena i dopuna Zakona o radu

2020-11-12T22:52:12+01:00Tags: , , , |

Ovo je rezultat rada na analizi efekata i rezultata dvogodišnjeg sprovođenja Zakona o radu donetog 2014. godine. Na analizi je radio tim stručnjaka koji je obradio rezultate ispitivanja različitih grupa aktera (sindikati, poslodavci, državna tela, nevladine organizacije...) i uz konsultacije za drugim zainteresovanim stranama (Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje boračka i socijalna pitanja, Nacionalna služba zapošljavanja, Međunarodna organizacija rada, Savez samostalnih sindikata Srbije, Unija poslodavaca, Beogradski centar za ljudska prava...).

Alternativno radno zakonodavstvo

2020-11-12T23:26:08+01:00Tags: , , |

Ova studija ima za cilj da pokaže koje alternative postojećem dogmatskom prihvatanju divljeg neoliberalizma i predatorskog kapitalizma u Srbiji postoje, kao i kako se one mogu implementirati kroz izmene radnog zakonodavstva. Prvi deo studije odnosi se na kritičku analizu osnovnih postulata na kojima počivaju nedavne i najavljene buduće izmene propisa. Potom će se u naredna dva dela predstaviti individualna i kolektivna prava zaposlenih, uz predloge konkretnih izmena propisa koje bi mogle dovesti do implementacije alternativnih rešenja za normiranje radnih odnosa. Konačno, u zaključnim razmatranjima će se posvetiti pažnja sintezi svega iznetog u ocenu sistema koji bi potencijalno mogao da funkcioniše kao samostalan i uspešan, u datim okolnostima u Srbiji. Osnovna hipoteza kojom se analiza rukovodi jeste da su alternative trenutnom stanju ne samo moguće (u normativnom i ekonomskom smislu) već i nužne i racionalne, jer aktuelne politike ne mogu održati čak ni trenutno stanje na duži rok. Budući da u trci do dna dno zapravo ne postoji, jer se uvek može otići korak niže od konkurenata u privlačenju investicija, jedini dugoročni plan može biti napuštanje trenutnih odnosa i jačanje kontrolne i socijalne uloge države. U analizi se odlazi i korak dalje pa se osim nužnosti postojanja alternativa, one razvijaju a ponekad i konkretno normativno uobličavaju. Kroz istraživanje se dakle postavljaju pitanja ali se daju i odgovori, koji mogu biti tumačeni i primenjeni u daljoj praksi i politikama u skladu sa individualnim pogledima i stavovima, ali suštinski nude rešenja zasnovana na nekim univerzalnim vrednostima koja predstavljaju civilizacijsko dostignuće, koja se zasnivaju na osnovama ljudskih prava i sloboda i nadogradnji kroz praksu univerzalnih i regionalnih instrumenata i tela, i čija primena niti u jednom trenutku ne sme postati upitna.

The Bolshevik Revolution: One hundred years after

2020-11-12T01:00:56+01:00Tags: , |

This issue of Crisis and Critique brings together some of the most important contemporary thinkers, who engage with the historical, political and philosophical resonances of the Bolshevik Revolution into our context.They engage with different dimensions which compose the Bolshevik Event and its aftermath.The point is not to reassert the relevance of the Revolution, nor explore the possibilities of faithfulness to it, but rather, the aim of this issue is to claim that politics of emancipation, philosophy and history cannot be the same after this Revolution. It is a unavoidable point of reference, one that cannot be simply ignored.

State of insecurity: Government of the precarious

2020-11-12T00:59:02+01:00Tags: , , |

From the review by Ana Vujanović: The political theorist Isabell Lorey has appeared as one of the most striking European voices in the recent debate on precarity and precarization in neoliberalism. Her theoretical discourse draws from the referential frameworks of political and biopolitical theory, feminism, gender and postcolonial studies, as well as of recent social and political movements, such as Euromayday, Occupy and 15-M. This invigorating and politically sharp intersection has created a potent critical platform for analyzing representative democracy, biopolitical governmentality, immunization, and precarization, which belong to Lorey's main concerns. Isabell Lorey is particularly concerned with the neoliberal “state of insecurity” and how it relates to the process of precarization. In fact, although the book is entitled State of Insecurity, it could also be considered a sequel of Lorey’s long-term research on precarity, a sequel that focuses on how precarization is immersed in neoliberal government of and by insecurity. The line that opens the book reads: “If we fail to understand precarization, then we understand neither the politics nor the economy of the present."

Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu

2020-11-12T01:07:35+01:00Tags: , , |

Istraživačko-umetnički projekat Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu (održan u Novom Sadu između 2010. i 2012.godine) obuhvatao je seriju javnih razgovora, izložbi i publikacija, fokusiranih na istraživanje umetničkih i društvenih praksi koje kritički reflektuju savremeni pojam rada – uslove u kojima se rad ostvaruje, nove društvene potrebe i odnose koje rad proizvodi. Takođe, cilj je bio elaboriranje relativno neistraženog polja istorije umetnosti koje obuhvata prakse koje predstavljaju ekstrem na liniji ovog istraživanja – odluke umetnika/ca da napuste bavljenje umetnošću i produkciju umetničkih dela, propagirajući koncept nerada i „besposličarenja“ (idleness, slacking).

Artist at work, Proximity of art and capitalism

2020-11-12T22:02:04+01:00Tags: , , , |

The main affirmation of artistic practice must today happen through thinking about the conditions and the status of the artist's work. Only then can it be revealed that what is a part of the speculations of capital is not art itself, but mostly artistic life. Artist at Work examines the recent changes in the labour of an artist and addresses them from the perspective of performance. It draws its conclusions mainly from the argument that art no longer needs to re-affirm itself as a socially relevant and useful activity because this would lock it within immanent capitalist (and populist) production of value. Instead, art has to rediscover its material basis and 'occupy' exactly those abstractions which enable the preservation of the capitalist system and reproduction of capital. The book would like to remind art – which has constantly thermalized and practiced politics during the last decades – that it has forgotten its power to connect the abilities of the abstract (thinking) with the actual abstractions (value, capital, productivity, money, commodity, time, etc.)

Magacin: Jedan model za samoorganizovani kulturni centar / Magacin: A model for selforganised cultural center

2020-11-12T01:04:31+01:00Tags: , , , |

Publikacija je, kao rezultat zajedničkog rada, predstavila model samoorganizacije nezavisnog kulturnog centra Magacin u Beogradu. Taj model, zasnovan na principima zajedničkog raspolaganja resursima, jednakosti i pravednosti, odgovornosti prema drugima, saradnji i dostupnosti, finansijskoj transparentnosti, kao osnvni mehanizam ima otvoreni kalendar. Njime se omogućava potpuno transparentno upravljanje prostornim resursima, ali i stvaranje zajednice koja zajednički upravlja prostorom i odlučuje o svim aspektima njegovog rada i razvoja.

Da li bi politika univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka mogla biti primenjiva u Srbiji?

2018-10-16T20:13:59+01:00Tags: , , |

Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?

Forgotten history of the commons in socialist Yugoslavia: A case of self-managed cultural infrastructure in the period of 1960s and 1970s

2018-06-15T15:03:37+01:00Tags: , , |

The article makes a critical step towards a few now already established claims of the chief theoretical protagonists of the commons – Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri1 – who offer a way out from the allegedly false binaries and dilemmas between private or public, state or market, capitalism or socialism.

The precariat. The new dangerous class

2020-11-12T23:33:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

Standing discusses an emerging class of people facing insecurity, moving in and out of precarious work that gives little meaning to their lives. He warns that the growth of the precariat is producing instabilities in society. Its internal divisions have led to the villainization of migrants and other vulnerable groups and some are susceptible to the dangers of political extremism. Standing argues for a new politics which puts the fears and aspirations of the precariat at the heart of a progressive strategy of redistribution and income security. "This book is about a new group in the world, a class-in-the-making. It sets out to answer five questions: What is it? Why should we care about its growth? Why is it growing? Who is entering it? And where is the precariat taking us?"

Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva

2020-11-12T01:08:38+01:00Tags: , , |

Knjiga prati izložbu održanu u Novom Sadu 2005. godine u produkciji  Tematska instalacija “Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva” Olivera Roslera se fokusirala na raznolike koncepte i modele alternativnih ekonomija i društava, kojima je zajedničko odbacivanje kapitalističkog sistema vladavine. Za svaki koncept je napravljen po jedan intervju. Partneri u intervjuima su ekonomisti, stručnjaci iz oblasti političkih nauka, autori i istoričari. Iz ovih intervjua je napravljen video zapis na engleskom jeziku. Prateća knjiga obuhvata brojne tekstove napisane oko tema koje je pokrenula izložba.

Patterns of Commons


The book is a collection of texts that present examples of biocultural, neighborhood, collaborative technology, arts and culture, knowledge, infrastruture and other commons.

The Making of the Knowledge Commons: From Lobsters to Universities

2018-06-15T14:46:07+01:00Tags: |

The first part is a discussion of the typical difficulties encountered in the making of commons in general. In the second part he analyses a number of typical problems that the constituent community of the knowledge commons, especially universities, their faculties and students, must face in preventing a “tragedy of the knowledge commons.”

Labour as a commons: The example of workers-recuperated companies

2020-11-12T22:02:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

This article argues that labour can be understood as a commons, located in the discussion of how commons can advance the transformation of social relations and society. To manage labour as a commons entails a shift away from the perception of labour power as the object of capital’s value practices, towards a notion of labour power as a collectively and sustainably managed resource for the benefit of society. Given that social change is largely a result of social struggle, it is crucial to examine germinal forms of labour as a commons present in society. I focus my analysis on worker-recuperated companies in Latin America and Europe. Worker-recuperated companies are enterprises self-managed by their workers after the owners close them down. Despite operating within the hegemonic capitalist market, they do not adopt capitalist rationality and are proven viable. Worker-recuperated companies offer a new perspective on labour as a commons.

ABC jugoslavenskog socijalizma

2020-11-12T21:24:09+01:00Tags: , , , |

Knjiga je skup tekstova i istraživanja Branka Horvata koji je pokušao da osnovne pojmove jugoslovenskog socijalizma objasni na jasan i jednostavan način ("zbog toga nema ni citata, ni bibliografije, ni druge uobičajene aparature"), uzimajući za uzor Buharinovu knjigu "ABC komunizma" koju smatra dobrom idejom, ali lošom knjigom.  U svom teorijskom radu, Horvat socijalizam posmatra kao svetsko-istorijski proces sa tri karakteristična prelaza ka socijalizmu: prelaz razvijenih kapitalističkih zemalja, prelaz etatističkih zemalja i prelaz nerazvijenih zemalja. Međutim, jugoslovenki slučaj ne pripada ni jednom od njih i zato je ovu knjigu posvetio upravo objašnjenju specfiičnosti jugoslovenskog socijalističkog projekta.  

Taken literarly

2018-06-15T14:37:35+01:00Tags: , |

The authors revisit the evolution of regulation of ownership in the field of intellectual production and housing as two examples of the historical dead-end in which we find ourselves.

Governmental Precarization

2020-11-12T22:30:50+01:00Tags: , , |

Precarisation is one of the central concepts of Lorey's research and writing. In this article she aims at explaining the term further dissecting three dimensions of the precarious: precariousness, precarity, and governmental precarization. Her theoretical contribution is of great importance for understanding the world of "cultural producers" in neoliberal society. 

„Holding zadruga“ Predlog modela zadružnog radničkog akcionarstva u Srbiji

2023-11-28T12:00:04+01:00Tags: |

Demokratičnim preduzećem smatra se svako preduzeće kojim upravljaju njegovi radnici, a koje se istovremeno nalazi u njihovoj (kolektivnoj ili privatnoj) svojini. Najrasprostranjeniji formalno-pravni oblik demokratskog preduzeća su zadruge koje odlikuje kolektivno radničko vlasništvo i zajedničko upravljanje prema principu „jedan član-jedan glas“. U prvom delu analize predstavljane su osnovne crte postojećih praksi radničkog akcionarstva i njihove ključne specifičnosti, a podrobnije je opisan model zadružnog radničkog akcionarstva. Drugi deo istraživa- nja ispituje mogućnost primene ovog modela u Srbiji, te na njegovom tragu, predlaže model „holding zadruge“ koji bi mogao biti ostvaren u okvirima domaćeg zakonodavstva.

Commonism. A new aesthetics of the real

2020-11-12T01:05:50+01:00Tags: , , , |

The book explores the ideological thoughts under the notion of the commons and asks how this shapes the reality of our living together. Pays attention to the aesthetic dimension of communism as an ideology: what artistic strategies and what aesthetics do commoners adopt? After half a century of neoliberalism, a new radical, practice-based ideology is making its way from the margins: commonism, with an o in the middle. It is based on the values of sharing, common (intellectual) ownership and new social co-operations. Commoners assert that social relationships can replace money (contract) relationships. They advocate solidarity and they trust in peer-to-peer relationships to develop new ways of production. Commonism maps those new ideological thoughts. How do they work and, especially, what is their aesthetics? How do they shape the reality of our living together? Is there another, more just future imaginable through the commons? What strategies and what aesthetics do commoners adopt? This book explores this new political belief system, alternating between theoretical analysis, wild artistic speculation, inspiring art examples, almost empirical observations and critical reflection.

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