Samoupravljanje i društvena svojina
Knjiga sadrži 7 tekstova Edvarda Kardelja iz perioda izmedju 1941. i 1978. godine.
Knjiga sadrži 7 tekstova Edvarda Kardelja iz perioda izmedju 1941. i 1978. godine.
Tematski broj časopisa Zarez obuhvata niz prevedenih i novih tekstova koji problematizuju slobodu stvaralašta u uslovima marketizacije interneta, kontrole distribucije znanja i proizvoda kreativnih delatnosti i nauke.
The main affirmation of artistic practice must today happen through thinking about the conditions and the status of the artist's work. Only then can it be revealed that what is a part of the speculations of capital is not art itself, but mostly artistic life. Artist at Work examines the recent changes in the labour of an artist and addresses them from the perspective of performance. It draws its conclusions mainly from the argument that art no longer needs to re-affirm itself as a socially relevant and useful activity because this would lock it within immanent capitalist (and populist) production of value. Instead, art has to rediscover its material basis and 'occupy' exactly those abstractions which enable the preservation of the capitalist system and reproduction of capital. The book would like to remind art – which has constantly thermalized and practiced politics during the last decades – that it has forgotten its power to connect the abilities of the abstract (thinking) with the actual abstractions (value, capital, productivity, money, commodity, time, etc.)
Članak je deo knjige Rudija Supeka "Participacija, radnička kontrola i samoupravljanje. Prilog povijenom kontinuietu jedne ideje" izdate 1974. Članak predstavlja istorijski razvoj ideje radničkog samoupravljanja od utopijskih koncepata do radničkih pokreta u 20. veku i različitih oblika i faza samoupravnog eksperimenta.
"The discourse on precarization that has emerged in the past decade, primarily in Europe, rests on an extremely complex understanding of social insecurity and its productivity. The various strands of this discourse have been brought together again and again in the context of the European precarious movement organised under EuroMayDay....What is unusual about this social movement is not only the way in which under its auspices new forms of political struggle are tested and new perspectives of precarizatin developed; rather - and it is striking in relation to other social movements - it is how it has queered a seemingly disparate fields of the cultural and political again and again. In the past decade, conversations concerning both the (partly subversive) knowledge of the precarious and a search for commons (in order to constitute the political), has conspicuously taken place more in art institution than in social, political, or even academic contexts."
Knjiga prati izložbu održanu u Novom Sadu 2005. godine u produkciji Tematska instalacija “Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva” Olivera Roslera se fokusirala na raznolike koncepte i modele alternativnih ekonomija i društava, kojima je zajedničko odbacivanje kapitalističkog sistema vladavine. Za svaki koncept je napravljen po jedan intervju. Partneri u intervjuima su ekonomisti, stručnjaci iz oblasti političkih nauka, autori i istoričari. Iz ovih intervjua je napravljen video zapis na engleskom jeziku. Prateća knjiga obuhvata brojne tekstove napisane oko tema koje je pokrenula izložba.
Kada je u pitanju turizam, postoji jako mali broj radova koji spajaju oblasti odrasta i turizama. Odrast u turizmu zahteva radikalnu promenu turističkih obrazaca. Odrastničke prakse u turizmu povezane su uglavnom sa drugim oblicima alternativnog turizma kao što su ekoturizam, održivi turizam, zeleni turizam, spori turizam, turizam u zajednici, turizam u korist siromašnih i fer turizam. Kao rezultat toga, iako možemo zaključiti da postoji primetna konvergencija odrastničkog turizma sa drugim vidovima alternativnog turizma, oni nisu u potpunosti istovetni, razlog tome je što odrast kao pojam objedinjuje sve pozitivne preduslove drugih oblika alternativnog turizma koje pojedini vidovi turizma nemaju.
This article argues that labour can be understood as a commons, located in the discussion of how commons can advance the transformation of social relations and society. To manage labour as a commons entails a shift away from the perception of labour power as the object of capital’s value practices, towards a notion of labour power as a collectively and sustainably managed resource for the benefit of society. Given that social change is largely a result of social struggle, it is crucial to examine germinal forms of labour as a commons present in society. I focus my analysis on worker-recuperated companies in Latin America and Europe. Worker-recuperated companies are enterprises self-managed by their workers after the owners close them down. Despite operating within the hegemonic capitalist market, they do not adopt capitalist rationality and are proven viable. Worker-recuperated companies offer a new perspective on labour as a commons.
Kada govorimo o savremenim borbama protiv komodifikacije rada i svakodnevnog života, te za uspostavljanje drugačijeg – pravednijeg, humanijeg i održivijeg – ekonomskog sistema, ne možemo, a da se ne osvrnemo na iskustvo samoupravnog socijalizma u SFRJ kao jedinstvenog istorijskog primera široke primene principa ekonomske demokratije sa ciljem ostvarivanja većeg učešća zaposlenih u donošenju ekonomskih odluka, decentralizacije vlasništva i vantržišne društvene reprodukcije. Kritički pogled na ovaj period može predstavljati putokaz za osmišljavanje savremenih modela i sistema koji umesto generisanju profita teže zadovoljenju potreba društva (i životne sredine).
Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?
Knjiga (na francuskom jeziku) je zbirka tekstova dvadeset autora, uglavnom francuskih, koji se bave promenama u konceptu korišćenja digitalnih platformi za dostupnost znanja i rezultata rada u umetnosti, nauci i drugim oblastima znanja.
My intention is to say something about the potential of the commons as a political project.
Knjiga Postajanje majkom sadrži umetniãke radove, interdisciplinarne studije iz oblasti humanistiãkih i društvenih nauka, kao i tekstove koji se bave promišljanjem liãnog i aktivistiãkog iskustva i rada. Nastajala je u procesu istraživanja koje je sprovedeno kako bi se preispitale institucionalizovane prakse materinstva u savremenom društvu, njihovi efekti u svakodnevnom životu, kao i vidovi otpora i (radikalne) politiãke subjektivizacije u odnosu na njih. Knjiga je usmerena na demistifikaciju, denaturalizaciju i reevaluaciju normi materinstva koje uvek ukazuju na odnose u specifiãnim materijalnim uslovima i okolnostima centriranja ili decentriranja javne ili privatne moçi ili društvenosti. Bavi se materinstvom kao globalnim problemom, kroz analize i iskustva angažmana u pojedinim zemljama, ali ukazuje i na specifiãnosti lokalnog konteksta, kroz iskustva u pojedinim bivšim jugoslovenskim republikama, što predstavlja pokušaj povezivanja odre∂enih globalnih trendova sa posebnostima u lokalnoj sredini.
This issue of Crisis and Critique brings together some of the most important contemporary thinkers, who engage with the historical, political and philosophical resonances of the Bolshevik Revolution into our context.They engage with different dimensions which compose the Bolshevik Event and its aftermath.The point is not to reassert the relevance of the Revolution, nor explore the possibilities of faithfulness to it, but rather, the aim of this issue is to claim that politics of emancipation, philosophy and history cannot be the same after this Revolution. It is a unavoidable point of reference, one that cannot be simply ignored.
From the review by Ana Vujanović: The political theorist Isabell Lorey has appeared as one of the most striking European voices in the recent debate on precarity and precarization in neoliberalism. Her theoretical discourse draws from the referential frameworks of political and biopolitical theory, feminism, gender and postcolonial studies, as well as of recent social and political movements, such as Euromayday, Occupy and 15-M. This invigorating and politically sharp intersection has created a potent critical platform for analyzing representative democracy, biopolitical governmentality, immunization, and precarization, which belong to Lorey's main concerns. Isabell Lorey is particularly concerned with the neoliberal “state of insecurity” and how it relates to the process of precarization. In fact, although the book is entitled State of Insecurity, it could also be considered a sequel of Lorey’s long-term research on precarity, a sequel that focuses on how precarization is immersed in neoliberal government of and by insecurity. The line that opens the book reads: “If we fail to understand precarization, then we understand neither the politics nor the economy of the present."
Praktičan vodič objašnjava pojmove lizinga u domenu rada i radnih prava, objašnjava zakonski okvir radnog prava u Srbiji, prenosi iskustva i preporuke iz međunarodnog konteksta i preporučuje promene koje je neophodno napraviti da bi se ublažio pritisak na radnike.
Some people think universal basic income is a utopian impossibility. Others think it’s dangerous. So there’s a proposal for another solution: universal basic services. Instead of giving people money, why not guarantee all of the public services they need to live a full life?
This paper will argue that the capitalisation of life as know it will be the logical extension of the global capitalist agenda.
At the end of February 2017, Pascal Gielen gave this lecture on the relationship between art, politics and the civil space in the creative city, as part of a programme which ran alongside CCA's exhibition Forms of Action (28 Jan - 12 Mar 2017) on socially engaged art practices. The lecture is based on a pilot research project Gielen undertook for the European Cultural Foundation in 2016, and also looks at how activists and creative workers respond to this policy by organising themselves in alternative ways.
Knjiga je zbirka uvodnih izlaganja na seminaru koji je organizovan od 12. do 15. februara 1968. godine, kao i diskusija, postavljanih pitanja i odgovora. Uvodni tekstovi pokrivaju dominantne teme u kulturi, obrazovanju i nauci u jugoslovenskom samoupravnom drluštvu krajem 60-tih godina.
Publikacija je, kao rezultat zajedničkog rada, predstavila model samoorganizacije nezavisnog kulturnog centra Magacin u Beogradu. Taj model, zasnovan na principima zajedničkog raspolaganja resursima, jednakosti i pravednosti, odgovornosti prema drugima, saradnji i dostupnosti, finansijskoj transparentnosti, kao osnvni mehanizam ima otvoreni kalendar. Njime se omogućava potpuno transparentno upravljanje prostornim resursima, ali i stvaranje zajednice koja zajednički upravlja prostorom i odlučuje o svim aspektima njegovog rada i razvoja.
Demokratičnim preduzećem smatra se svako preduzeće kojim upravljaju njegovi radnici, a koje se istovremeno nalazi u njihovoj (kolektivnoj ili privatnoj) svojini. Najrasprostranjeniji formalno-pravni oblik demokratskog preduzeća su zadruge koje odlikuje kolektivno radničko vlasništvo i zajedničko upravljanje prema principu „jedan član-jedan glas“. U prvom delu analize predstavljane su osnovne crte postojećih praksi radničkog akcionarstva i njihove ključne specifičnosti, a podrobnije je opisan model zadružnog radničkog akcionarstva. Drugi deo istraživa- nja ispituje mogućnost primene ovog modela u Srbiji, te na njegovom tragu, predlaže model „holding zadruge“ koji bi mogao biti ostvaren u okvirima domaćeg zakonodavstva.
The first part is a discussion of the typical difficulties encountered in the making of commons in general. In the second part he analyses a number of typical problems that the constituent community of the knowledge commons, especially universities, their faculties and students, must face in preventing a “tragedy of the knowledge commons.”
This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers’ risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country’s policy towards nonstandard work cannot be examined in isolation from its labour market conditions, as well as its growth model, and that uniform policy solutions for non-standard work cannot be applied across EU-28.
In this paper the author will explore a complementary problem: in what ways might Basic Income be seen as a structural reform of capitalism that would facilitate a movement in the direction of socialism?
In this book James Boyle describe what he calls the range wars of the information age-today’s heated battles over intellectual property.
Inspired by in-depth interviews with members of the international Brussels dance community and the work of some of the authors associated with autonomous Marxism (P. Virno, A. Negri, G. Agamben), the practice of collaboration within contemporary dance is elucidated from a theoretical point of view. Like other forms of creative or immaterial labour, artistic collaborations mobilize various generic competences and invoke in an often implicit way a cultural common or series of conventions.
Neodvojivi deo Kardeljevog stvaralaštva je i njegovo neposredno i stalno teorijsko i praktično angažovanje na pitanjima komune i komunalnog sistema na svim etapama izgradnje i razvoja našeg socijalističkog samoupravnog društva. Polazeći od toga da je komuna socijalistička samoupravna humana zajednica ljudi, složen sistem društvenih odnosa i osnovna društvena zajednica u kojoj radni čovek i građanin može i treba da ostvaruje najveći deo svojih osnovnih interesa, prava, dužnosti i odgovornosti, Kardelj je na svim etapama razvoja jugoslovenskog samoupravnog društva ne samo isticao značaj komune i teorijski objašnjavao pojedine njene aspekte nego upravo aktivno i neposredno radio na razrešavanju svih pitanja i problema u ovoj oblasti. I u prilikama kada su razmatrana druga pitanja i odnosi u društvu i tražena rešenja za druge probleme u razvoju samoupravljanja, on je posebno isticao važnost i značaj rešavanja određenih pitanja u komuni, odnosno polazio od toga da je za ukupan razvoj socijalističkih samoupravnih odnosa u društvu bitno stanje samoupravnih odnosa u komuni. U ovoj knjizi sakupljeni su Kardeljevi radovi o komuni. Termin „radovi” treba uzeti sasvim uslovno. U knjizi su i studije ili njihovi delovi koji se odnose na komunu i sistematizovana i pripremljena izlaganja ili članai i intervjui, ali i mnogi govori i razgovori u različitim prilikama susreta sa ljudima iz opština — na skupovima Stalne konferencije gradova, na sastancima političkih aktiva, sa predstavnicima mesnih zajednica;, u radničkim sredinama, na savetovanjima i seminarima. Opširan predgovor napisao je Živorad Kovačević.
The book is a collection of texts that present examples of biocultural, neighborhood, collaborative technology, arts and culture, knowledge, infrastruture and other commons.
The authors revisit the evolution of regulation of ownership in the field of intellectual production and housing as two examples of the historical dead-end in which we find ourselves.