The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach
The book reconceptualizes the field of urban sociology through a critique of the literature of urban sociology (and urbanization) and an attempt to lay the Marxist bases for a reconstructed urban sociology.
The book reconceptualizes the field of urban sociology through a critique of the literature of urban sociology (and urbanization) and an attempt to lay the Marxist bases for a reconstructed urban sociology.
Publikacija „Održivost, odrast i hrana“ obrađuje više različitih aspekata proizvodnje hrane kroz prizmu zajedničkih dobara, održivosti i odrasta. Publikacija pokriva širok spektar tema, od prepoznavanja koja su fizička i društvena ograničenja procesa proizvodnja hrane, preko načina na koji se danas hrana proizvodi na globalnom i nacionalnom nivou, pa sve do mogućih alternativnih praksi.
In this paper the author will explore a complementary problem: in what ways might Basic Income be seen as a structural reform of capitalism that would facilitate a movement in the direction of socialism?
Članak je deo knjige Rudija Supeka "Participacija, radnička kontrola i samoupravljanje. Prilog povijenom kontinuietu jedne ideje" izdate 1974. Članak predstavlja istorijski razvoj ideje radničkog samoupravljanja od utopijskih koncepata do radničkih pokreta u 20. veku i različitih oblika i faza samoupravnog eksperimenta.
The book is a collection of different texts and case studies from the countries of the Western Balkans that have been facing dramatic social, political and economic changes along with the so called transition since the beginning of 1990s. The present texts contextualise the concept of the commons through the practices of various actors, initiatives and organisations in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, while taking a political and critical view on the concept of the commons and discussing its capacities as an alternative to neoliberalism. It is meant to showcase practices that encourage narratives and practices of resistance, transformation and promising a possible change.
The article makes a critical step towards a few now already established claims of the chief theoretical protagonists of the commons – Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri1 – who offer a way out from the allegedly false binaries and dilemmas between private or public, state or market, capitalism or socialism.
The article advocates for preservation of the public libraries in the situation when they are being closed due to the withdrawal of public funds for such purposes.
Knjiga je zbirka uvodnih izlaganja na seminaru koji je organizovan od 12. do 15. februara 1968. godine, kao i diskusija, postavljanih pitanja i odgovora. Uvodni tekstovi pokrivaju dominantne teme u kulturi, obrazovanju i nauci u jugoslovenskom samoupravnom drluštvu krajem 60-tih godina.
Knjigu je napisao tadašnji profesor prava na Stenford Univerzitetu kao rezultat istraživanja o opasnostima i ograničenjima koncepta copyright-a za sve kreativne delatnosti, od različitih umetničkih disciplina do cyber prostora, deljenja znanja i pristupa rezultatima kreativnog rada.
Istraživačko-umetnički projekat Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu (održan u Novom Sadu između 2010. i 2012.godine) obuhvatao je seriju javnih razgovora, izložbi i publikacija, fokusiranih na istraživanje umetničkih i društvenih praksi koje kritički reflektuju savremeni pojam rada – uslove u kojima se rad ostvaruje, nove društvene potrebe i odnose koje rad proizvodi. Takođe, cilj je bio elaboriranje relativno neistraženog polja istorije umetnosti koje obuhvata prakse koje predstavljaju ekstrem na liniji ovog istraživanja – odluke umetnika/ca da napuste bavljenje umetnošću i produkciju umetničkih dela, propagirajući koncept nerada i „besposličarenja“ (idleness, slacking).
Univerzalne osnovne usluge (universal basic services) su recentna ideja koja je privukla veliku pažnju javnosti zbog potencijala da redefiniše državu blagostanja i uspešno odgovori na izazove 21. veka. Univerzalne osnovne usluge podrazumevaju proširenje opsega besplatnih javnih usluga koji će osigurati pristup svakom građaninu (ili rezidentu) adekvatan stepen sigurnosti, mogućnosti i participacije. Termin univerzalne podrazumeva da su usluge dostupne svima, bez obzira na njihove prihode ili status.
In this essay, David Harvey argues that the real problem demanding our attention is private property, not the commons itself. The capitalist commons is being continuously enclosed, but it is also being continuously produced. To fulfill our common interests, we need to look to the powers of collective labor to address capitalism's destruction of land and labor resources.
This paper will argue that the capitalisation of life as know it will be the logical extension of the global capitalist agenda.
Cilj ovog eseja je da predloži novi fokus leve ekonomske politike koja je decenijama unazad zaglavljena i sterilna u pogledu adresiranja potreba radničke i srednje klase. Umesto da bude mobilizovano kroz zdrav levi i demokratski populizam, levo političko telo uspešno je adresirao autokratski i društveno reakcionarni desni populizam. Ovaj esej predstavlja pokušaj redefinisanja leve ekonomske politike, bazirane na idejama i međunarodnom iskustvu ekonomske demokratije.
Standing discusses an emerging class of people facing insecurity, moving in and out of precarious work that gives little meaning to their lives. He warns that the growth of the precariat is producing instabilities in society. Its internal divisions have led to the villainization of migrants and other vulnerable groups and some are susceptible to the dangers of political extremism. Standing argues for a new politics which puts the fears and aspirations of the precariat at the heart of a progressive strategy of redistribution and income security. "This book is about a new group in the world, a class-in-the-making. It sets out to answer five questions: What is it? Why should we care about its growth? Why is it growing? Who is entering it? And where is the precariat taking us?"
This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers’ risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country’s policy towards nonstandard work cannot be examined in isolation from its labour market conditions, as well as its growth model, and that uniform policy solutions for non-standard work cannot be applied across EU-28.
Nema tehničkog rešenja za populacioni problem. Zahteva fundamentalno proširenje u moralnosti.
This publication offers multiple analyses of the relations between the concept of the right to the city and its application in the urban planning domain, providing a number of examples of how this concept can give practical guidance on urban development, as well as of its limitations in theory and practice.
The article discusses the threats to academic freedom coming from the state and market trying to sketch a theory of academic freedom taking us beyond our need to defend academic work and institutions from these threats.
U svetu u kojem prava privatne svojine i profitne stope istiskuju sve druge koncepcije prava, autor istražuje pravo na grad u kontekstu oživljavanja interesovanja za ideje Anrija Lefevra o tom pitanju, kao i pojavu svih vrsta društvenih pokreta širom sveta.
Knjiga obuhvata 11 tekstova Feliksa Štaldera.Prvih sedam se bavi različitim aspektima nastanka i kritikom “otvorenih kultura”, tj. novih procesa u kulturi inspirisanih Pokretom za kompjuterski softver slobodnog i otvorenog kôda. Dok je nedavna praksa ovog pokreta važna referenca, kulturne prakse koje su otvorene za slobodnu rekonfiguraciju su, naravno, mnogo starije, a esej Kulture bez roba ih prati u prošlost sve do dadaizma početkom XX veka. Druga grupa eseja se bavi karakterom mrežnog oblika organizacije, često se pozivajući na koncepte “prostora tokova” (Manuel Castells), tj. na materijalnu infrastrukturu za organizaciju translokalnosti, zasnovanu na digitalnim informacionim tokovima.
Ako zajednička dobra ispravno teoretiziramo i politički sagledamo, zajednička dobra mogu odigrati ključnu ulogu u vraćanju socijalne pravednosti u užu domenu privatno-pravnog diskursa. Međutim, takav pomak iziskuje značajan raskid s prevladavajućim stavom koji pretpostavlja da u upravljanju resursima mora posredovati ili država ili privatno vlasništvo.
Demokratičnim preduzećem smatra se svako preduzeće kojim upravljaju njegovi radnici, a koje se istovremeno nalazi u njihovoj (kolektivnoj ili privatnoj) svojini. Najrasprostranjeniji formalno-pravni oblik demokratskog preduzeća su zadruge koje odlikuje kolektivno radničko vlasništvo i zajedničko upravljanje prema principu „jedan član-jedan glas“. U prvom delu analize predstavljane su osnovne crte postojećih praksi radničkog akcionarstva i njihove ključne specifičnosti, a podrobnije je opisan model zadružnog radničkog akcionarstva. Drugi deo istraživa- nja ispituje mogućnost primene ovog modela u Srbiji, te na njegovom tragu, predlaže model „holding zadruge“ koji bi mogao biti ostvaren u okvirima domaćeg zakonodavstva.
Anri Lefebvre u ovom tekstu predlaže transdukciju, ekspermentalnu utopiju kao mentalne postupke za osmišljavanje novog humanizma i novog grada. Pravo na urbani žvot može da stvori samo radnička klasa i za to su joj potrebni politički program urbane reforme i urbanistički projekti.
"Životno delo", kako je samo autor nazvao ovu knjigu, predstavlja sveobuhvatnu studiju političke ekonomije socijalizma koja je pokušaj sintetičkog pregleda uslova u kojima se vodi neprekidna borba između kapitalističkih durštvenih odnosa i tendencija da se ti odnosi pretvore u socijalističke. On smatra da je podela sveta na kapitalistički i socijalistički blok (u drugoj polovini 20. veka) površna ocena jer: "...jedini važan interes, zajednički i jednom i drugom bloku, jest spriječiti pravi socijalistički razvoj bilo gdje u svijetu." Knjiga je najpre objavljena na engleskom jeziku, u Njujorku, gde je doživela veliki uspeh, a tek naknadno je prevedena na srpskohrvatski jezik i objavljena u Jugoslaviji.
The texts assembled in this book are a sincere attempt to document the trials and errors in a study of commoning, a series of disruptions, failures, of falling apart, and the search for means to come together again. With this in mind, many of the contributions here do confront questions of methodology: they reflect on methods that support the study as well as the practice of commoning, methods that cherish critical reexamination and allow for unresolved dilemmas.
Stephen Pimpare speaks with David Pilling about his new book, The Growth Delusion: Wealth, Poverty, and the Well-Being of Nations, which helps us understand the problems with how we typically evaluate national economies and offers some alternative approaches even though each of those options presents their own challenges.
From the review by Ana Vujanović: The political theorist Isabell Lorey has appeared as one of the most striking European voices in the recent debate on precarity and precarization in neoliberalism. Her theoretical discourse draws from the referential frameworks of political and biopolitical theory, feminism, gender and postcolonial studies, as well as of recent social and political movements, such as Euromayday, Occupy and 15-M. This invigorating and politically sharp intersection has created a potent critical platform for analyzing representative democracy, biopolitical governmentality, immunization, and precarization, which belong to Lorey's main concerns. Isabell Lorey is particularly concerned with the neoliberal “state of insecurity” and how it relates to the process of precarization. In fact, although the book is entitled State of Insecurity, it could also be considered a sequel of Lorey’s long-term research on precarity, a sequel that focuses on how precarization is immersed in neoliberal government of and by insecurity. The line that opens the book reads: “If we fail to understand precarization, then we understand neither the politics nor the economy of the present."
Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?
Autor/ka: Lawrence Lessig Izdavač: The Pinguin Press Mesto izdanja: New York Godina izdanja: 2004 Materijal: knjiga Professor Lessig analyzes [...]