The Bolshevik Revolution: One hundred years after

2020-11-12T01:00:56+01:00Tags: , |

This issue of Crisis and Critique brings together some of the most important contemporary thinkers, who engage with the historical, political and philosophical resonances of the Bolshevik Revolution into our context.They engage with different dimensions which compose the Bolshevik Event and its aftermath.The point is not to reassert the relevance of the Revolution, nor explore the possibilities of faithfulness to it, but rather, the aim of this issue is to claim that politics of emancipation, philosophy and history cannot be the same after this Revolution. It is a unavoidable point of reference, one that cannot be simply ignored.

Da li bi politika univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka mogla biti primenjiva u Srbiji?

2018-10-16T20:13:59+01:00Tags: , , |

Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?

Nove politike solidarnosti: Sloboda od rada

2022-07-14T14:32:57+01:00Tags: , |

Univerzalne osnovne usluge (universal basic services) su recentna ideja koja je privukla veliku pažnju javnosti zbog potencijala da redefiniše državu blagostanja i uspešno odgovori na izazove 21. veka. Univerzalne osnovne usluge podrazumevaju proširenje opsega besplatnih javnih usluga koji će osigurati pristup svakom građaninu (ili rezidentu) adekvatan stepen sigurnosti, mogućnosti i participacije. Termin univerzalne podrazumeva da su usluge dostupne svima, bez obzira na njihove prihode ili status.

Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu

2020-11-12T01:07:35+01:00Tags: , , |

Istraživačko-umetnički projekat Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu (održan u Novom Sadu između 2010. i 2012.godine) obuhvatao je seriju javnih razgovora, izložbi i publikacija, fokusiranih na istraživanje umetničkih i društvenih praksi koje kritički reflektuju savremeni pojam rada – uslove u kojima se rad ostvaruje, nove društvene potrebe i odnose koje rad proizvodi. Takođe, cilj je bio elaboriranje relativno neistraženog polja istorije umetnosti koje obuhvata prakse koje predstavljaju ekstrem na liniji ovog istraživanja – odluke umetnika/ca da napuste bavljenje umetnošću i produkciju umetničkih dela, propagirajući koncept nerada i „besposličarenja“ (idleness, slacking).

Ekonomska demokratija kao deo političkog programa nove levice

2022-03-24T10:09:56+01:00Tags: , |

Cilj ovog eseja je da predloži novi fokus leve ekonomske politike koja je decenijama unazad zaglavljena i sterilna u pogledu adresiranja potreba radničke i srednje klase. Umesto da bude mobilizovano kroz zdrav levi i demokratski populizam, levo političko telo uspešno je adresirao autokratski i društveno reakcionarni desni populizam. Ovaj esej predstavlja pokušaj redefinisanja leve ekonomske politike, bazirane na idejama i međunarodnom iskustvu ekonomske demokratije.

The future of the commons

2018-06-15T15:04:10+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In this essay, David Harvey argues that the real problem demanding our attention is private property, not the commons itself. The capitalist commons is being continuously enclosed, but it is also being continuously produced. To fulfill our common interests, we need to look to the powers of collective labor to address capitalism's destruction of land and labor resources.

The dynamism of the new economy: Non-standard employment and access to social security in EU-28

2020-11-12T23:00:56+01:00Tags: , |

This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers’ risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country’s policy towards nonstandard work cannot be examined in isolation from its labour market conditions, as well as its growth model, and that uniform policy solutions for non-standard work cannot be applied across EU-28.

Taken literarly

2018-06-15T14:37:35+01:00Tags: , |

The authors revisit the evolution of regulation of ownership in the field of intellectual production and housing as two examples of the historical dead-end in which we find ourselves.

Becoming Common: Precarization as political constituting

2020-11-12T01:09:39+01:00Tags: , , |

"The discourse on precarization that has emerged in the past decade, primarily in Europe, rests on an extremely complex understanding of social insecurity and its productivity. The various strands of this discourse have been brought together again and again in the context of the European precarious movement organised under EuroMayDay....What is unusual about this social movement is not only the way in which under its auspices new forms of political struggle are tested and new perspectives of precarizatin developed; rather - and it is striking in relation to other social movements - it is how it has queered a seemingly disparate fields of the cultural and political again and again. In the past decade, conversations concerning both the (partly subversive) knowledge of the precarious and a search for commons (in order to constitute the political), has conspicuously taken place more in art institution than in social, political, or even academic contexts."

Our commons: Political ideas for a new Europe

2020-11-12T22:40:01+01:00Tags: , , , |

This publication explores new politics in Europe and describes the commons in different spheres of society, economy and politics.  The book is divided into seven thematic sections. Most sections have a theoretical position and a practical case study. All sections feature influential thinkers whose voices we want to amplify. This book is comprised of the insights of more than 20 writers, activists and pioneers, standing on the shoulders of hundreds more.

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