Magacin: Jedan model za samoorganizovani kulturni centar / Magacin: A model for selforganised cultural center

2020-11-12T01:04:31+01:00Tags: , , , |

Publikacija je, kao rezultat zajedničkog rada, predstavila model samoorganizacije nezavisnog kulturnog centra Magacin u Beogradu. Taj model, zasnovan na principima zajedničkog raspolaganja resursima, jednakosti i pravednosti, odgovornosti prema drugima, saradnji i dostupnosti, finansijskoj transparentnosti, kao osnvni mehanizam ima otvoreni kalendar. Njime se omogućava potpuno transparentno upravljanje prostornim resursima, ali i stvaranje zajednice koja zajednički upravlja prostorom i odlučuje o svim aspektima njegovog rada i razvoja.

Our commons: Political ideas for a new Europe

2020-11-12T22:40:01+01:00Tags: , , , |

This publication explores new politics in Europe and describes the commons in different spheres of society, economy and politics.  The book is divided into seven thematic sections. Most sections have a theoretical position and a practical case study. All sections feature influential thinkers whose voices we want to amplify. This book is comprised of the insights of more than 20 writers, activists and pioneers, standing on the shoulders of hundreds more.

Upravljati zajedno – Prilozi istraživanju (dis) kontinuiteta samoupravljanja

2023-11-28T12:04:49+01:00Tags: , |

U sklopu ovog zbornika želimo doprinijeti supstancijalnom tumačenju demokracije koju smještamo u široko zahvaćeno polje teorijskog promišljanja i ostvarivanja socijalnih prava, što uključuje i radne odnose. Za autorice/autore studija koje čine zbornik demokracija je i metod za ocjenu oblika organiziranja i upravljanja i osnovni princip na kojem treba temeljiti društveno-političko organiziranje i upravljanje zajedničkim resursima.

Performing the common city: On the crossroads of arts, politics and public life

2020-11-12T01:06:24+01:00Tags: , , , |

Pascal Gielen, art theoretician from Belgium, writes about the contemporary city, its shift from the space for the bourgeois class to the current trend of privatisation of public spaces and the role of arts in these processes. His analysis is based on theories and practices of Haussmann, Michel de Certeau, Chantal Mouffe, Saskia Sassen and others, while going through different conceptions of the city  as the common space: from Haussmann's urban structure in 18th century to Florida's creative city to the common city.

Artist at work, Proximity of art and capitalism

2020-11-12T22:02:04+01:00Tags: , , , |

The main affirmation of artistic practice must today happen through thinking about the conditions and the status of the artist's work. Only then can it be revealed that what is a part of the speculations of capital is not art itself, but mostly artistic life. Artist at Work examines the recent changes in the labour of an artist and addresses them from the perspective of performance. It draws its conclusions mainly from the argument that art no longer needs to re-affirm itself as a socially relevant and useful activity because this would lock it within immanent capitalist (and populist) production of value. Instead, art has to rediscover its material basis and 'occupy' exactly those abstractions which enable the preservation of the capitalist system and reproduction of capital. The book would like to remind art – which has constantly thermalized and practiced politics during the last decades – that it has forgotten its power to connect the abilities of the abstract (thinking) with the actual abstractions (value, capital, productivity, money, commodity, time, etc.)

State of insecurity: Government of the precarious

2020-11-12T00:59:02+01:00Tags: , , |

From the review by Ana Vujanović: The political theorist Isabell Lorey has appeared as one of the most striking European voices in the recent debate on precarity and precarization in neoliberalism. Her theoretical discourse draws from the referential frameworks of political and biopolitical theory, feminism, gender and postcolonial studies, as well as of recent social and political movements, such as Euromayday, Occupy and 15-M. This invigorating and politically sharp intersection has created a potent critical platform for analyzing representative democracy, biopolitical governmentality, immunization, and precarization, which belong to Lorey's main concerns. Isabell Lorey is particularly concerned with the neoliberal “state of insecurity” and how it relates to the process of precarization. In fact, although the book is entitled State of Insecurity, it could also be considered a sequel of Lorey’s long-term research on precarity, a sequel that focuses on how precarization is immersed in neoliberal government of and by insecurity. The line that opens the book reads: “If we fail to understand precarization, then we understand neither the politics nor the economy of the present."

Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva

2020-11-12T01:08:38+01:00Tags: , , |

Knjiga prati izložbu održanu u Novom Sadu 2005. godine u produkciji  Tematska instalacija “Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva” Olivera Roslera se fokusirala na raznolike koncepte i modele alternativnih ekonomija i društava, kojima je zajedničko odbacivanje kapitalističkog sistema vladavine. Za svaki koncept je napravljen po jedan intervju. Partneri u intervjuima su ekonomisti, stručnjaci iz oblasti političkih nauka, autori i istoričari. Iz ovih intervjua je napravljen video zapis na engleskom jeziku. Prateća knjiga obuhvata brojne tekstove napisane oko tema koje je pokrenula izložba.

Spaces of Commoning. Artistic Research and the Utopia of Everyday

2018-06-15T14:43:11+01:00Tags: |

The texts assembled in this book are a sincere attempt to document the trials and errors in a study of commoning, a series of disruptions, failures, of falling apart, and the search for means to come together again. With this in mind, many of the contributions here do confront questions of methodology: they reflect on methods that support the study as well as the practice of commoning, methods that cherish critical reexamination and allow for unresolved dilemmas.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T14:58:08+01:00Tags: |

Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re-make ourselves thereby in a different image.

Funding Cooperative City: Community Finance and the Economy of Civic Spaces

2018-06-15T15:12:34+01:00Tags: , , , |

Situated in the post-welfare transition of European societies within the context defined by austerity measures, unemployment, the financialisation of real estate stocks and the gradual withdrawal of public administrations from social services, this book aims at highlighting the importance of self-organised, locally rooted, inclusive and resilient community networks and civic spaces.

Održivost, odrast i hrana

2020-01-24T15:03:18+01:00Tags: , , |

Publikacija „Održivost, odrast i hrana“ obrađuje više različitih aspekata proizvodnje hrane kroz prizmu zajedničkih dobara, održivosti i odrasta. Publikacija pokriva širok spektar tema, od prepoznavanja koja su fizička i društvena ograničenja procesa proizvodnja hrane, preko načina na koji se danas hrana proizvodi na globalnom i nacionalnom nivou, pa sve do mogućih alternativnih praksi.

Pravo na grad

2018-04-16T20:41:26+01:00Tags: , |

Examining the link between urbanization and capitalism, David Harvey suggests we view Haussmann’s reshaping of Paris and today’s explosive growth of cities as responses to systemic crises of accumulation—and issues a call to democratize the power to shape the urban experience.

Spaces of commoning: Urban commons in the ex-Yu region

2020-11-12T01:10:14+01:00Tags: , , , |

The book is a collection of different texts and case studies from the countries of the Western Balkans that have been facing dramatic social, political and economic changes along with the so called transition since the beginning of 1990s. The present texts contextualise the concept of the commons through the practices of various actors, initiatives and organisations in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro, while taking a political and critical view on the concept of the commons and discussing its capacities as an alternative to neoliberalism. It is meant to showcase practices that encourage narratives and practices of resistance, transformation and promising a possible change.

The Production of Space

2018-06-15T14:57:16+01:00Tags: |

The book is a search for a reconciliation between mental space (the space of the philosophers) and real space (the physical and social spheres in which we all live). In the course of his exploration, Henri Lefebvre moves from metaphysical and ideological considerations of the meaning of space to its experience in the everyday life of home and city.

Udruženi rad i samoupravno planiranje

2020-11-12T01:03:50+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Knjiga »Udruženi rad i samoupravno planiranje« sadrži one radove Edvarda Kardelja koji su nastali u vezi sa neposrednom prirodom i donošenjem Zakona o udruženom radu i Zakona o osnovama sistema društvenog planiranja i o društvenom planu Jugoslavije, kao i njihovom razradom i primenom u samoupravnoj praksi. Ovi radovi predstavljaju ne samo teorijsko produbljivanje koncepta i sistema dohodovnih odnosa u udruženom radu na načelima novog Ustava, Zakona o udruženom radu i drugih sistemskih zakona, nego i kritičko razmatranje njihovog neposrednog ostvarivanja. Radovi »O sistemu samoupravnog planiranja« i »Slobodni udruženi rad« su, u stvari, posebne knjige iz serije »Brionske diskusije«. U radu »Dalji razvoj društveno-ekonomskih odnosa na osnovu Ustava i Zakona o udruženom radu i učvršćenje položaja radnika« (1976), Kardelj je ukazao na ulogu svih organizovanih snaga našeg društva, posebno Saveza komunista, u razvoju socijalističkih samoupravnih društveno-ekonomskih odnosa. Rad »Sticanje i raspodela sredstava za lične dohotke na osnovu rada jedno od najaktuelnijih pitanja našeg društva danas« (1978) je intervju redakciji časopisa »Svetlost« iz Kragujevca povodom Desetog susreta samoupravljača Jugoslavije »Crveni barjak«.

Otvorena kultura i priroda mreža

2020-11-12T01:06:55+01:00Tags: , |

Knjiga obuhvata 11 tekstova Feliksa Štaldera.Prvih sedam se bavi različitim aspektima nastanka i kritikom “otvorenih kultura”, tj. novih procesa u kulturi inspirisanih Pokretom za kompjuterski softver slobodnog i otvorenog kôda. Dok je nedavna praksa ovog pokreta važna referenca, kulturne prakse koje su otvorene za slobodnu rekonfiguraciju su, naravno, mnogo starije, a esej Kulture bez roba ih prati u prošlost sve do dadaizma početkom XX veka. Druga grupa eseja se bavi karakterom mrežnog oblika organizacije, često se pozivajući na koncepte “prostora tokova” (Manuel Castells), tj. na materijalnu infrastrukturu za organizaciju translokalnosti, zasnovanu na digitalnim informacionim tokovima.

Da li bi politika univerzalnog osnovnog dohotka mogla biti primenjiva u Srbiji?

2018-10-16T20:13:59+01:00Tags: , , |

Iako se poslednjih nekoliko godina univerzalni osnovni dohodak (UOD) provlači kroz mejnstrim politike, i dalje nije sasvim jasno o tome šta on podrazumeva i u kojim se okolnostima može smatrati progresivnom politikom. Može li UOD funkcionisati u Srbiji, pogotovo imajući u vidu društvene i ekonomske izazove sa kojima se suočavamo u 21. veku?

The Making of the Knowledge Commons: From Lobsters to Universities

2018-06-15T14:46:07+01:00Tags: |

The first part is a discussion of the typical difficulties encountered in the making of commons in general. In the second part he analyses a number of typical problems that the constituent community of the knowledge commons, especially universities, their faculties and students, must face in preventing a “tragedy of the knowledge commons.”

Worldwide mobilizations: Class struggles and urban commoning

2020-11-12T01:01:51+01:00Tags: , , |

The past decades have seen significant urban insurrections worldwide, and this volume analyzes some of them from an anthropological perspective; it argues that transformations of urban class relationships must be approached in a way that is both globally informed and deeply embedded in local and popular histories, and contends that every case of urban mobilization should be understood against its precise context in the global capitalist transformation. The book examines cases of mobilization across the globe, and employs a Marxian class framework, open to the diverse and multi-scalar dynamics of urban politics, especially struggles for spatial justice.

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