Towards Experimental Urbanism

2018-06-15T14:56:37+01:00Tags: , |

Architecture and urban design are usually seen as tools of dominant spatial practices. They are either believed to mask the interests of power and money, or to represent aesthetic concerns that have little to offer for critical theory of space. I counter this view by showing that through rethinking the conception of space in architecture and urban design, as well as the notion of design itself, it is possible to outline a critical and emancipatory design practice, experiential urbanism.

The Production of Space

2018-06-15T14:57:16+01:00Tags: |

The book is a search for a reconciliation between mental space (the space of the philosophers) and real space (the physical and social spheres in which we all live). In the course of his exploration, Henri Lefebvre moves from metaphysical and ideological considerations of the meaning of space to its experience in the everyday life of home and city.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T14:58:08+01:00Tags: |

Derivative rights (like the right to be treated with dignity) should become fundamental and fundamental rights (of private property and the profit rate) should become derivative. But new rights can also be defined: like the right to the city which is not merely a right of access to what the property speculators and state planners define, but an active right to make the city different, to shape it more in accord with our heart's desire, and to re-make ourselves thereby in a different image.

Pobunjeni gradovi

2018-06-15T14:59:30+01:00Tags: |

Ovde bih želeo da istražim jedan drugi vid kolektivnog prava – pravo na grad u kontekstu oživljavanja interesovanja za ideje Anrija Lefevra o tom pitanju, kao i pojavu svih vrsta društvenih pokreta širom sveta koji sada traže takvo pravo.

The future of the commons

2018-06-15T15:04:10+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In this essay, David Harvey argues that the real problem demanding our attention is private property, not the commons itself. The capitalist commons is being continuously enclosed, but it is also being continuously produced. To fulfill our common interests, we need to look to the powers of collective labor to address capitalism's destruction of land and labor resources.

Pravo na grad

2018-06-15T15:08:19+01:00Tags: , , |

Anri Lefebvre u ovom tekstu predlaže transdukciju, ekspermentalnu utopiju kao mentalne postupke za osmišljavanje novog humanizma i novog grada. Pravo na urbani žvot može da stvori samo radnička klasa i za to su joj potrebni politički program urbane reforme i urbanistički projekti.

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