U saradnji sa Bitef festivalom, Platforma za teoriju i praksu društvenih dobara Zajedničko najavljuje međunarodnu konferenciju o ekološkoj krizi, klimatskim promenama i načinima na koje se sa njima suočavamo.

Konferencija će se održati na Skveru Mire Trailović ispred Bitef teatra i svi sadržaji će biti dostupni na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.
Celokupan program konferencije se uživo prenosi putem Jutjub kanala Bitefa.

Razorne poplave, požari, suše, ekstremne temperature i toplotni talasi, rapidno odumiranje vrsta, globalno zagrevanje, podizanje nivoa mora, uništavanje i bespovratno zagađenje životne sredine – vode, vazduha i zemljišta, pandemije, dezertifikacija i gubitak obradivih zemljišta, kao i širenje oblasti nepodesnih za ljudski (i drugi) život, samo su neki su od simptoma rastuće ekološke i klimatske krize koja je postala naša svakodnevica. Uprkos tome, društveni i politički sistemi opstaju neometano, po inerciji, ponavljajući ustaljene mantre: rast, razvoj, progres, konkurencija, nemilosrdna eksploatacija, maksimizacija profita, dominacija nad prirodom (i ljudima), bespoštedno nadmetanje, zakon jačeg. Dok stručnjaci predviđaju ubrzano umnožavanje paralelnih kriza, sistem nudi kozmetičke promene.

U sklopu 54/55. Bitefa, konferencija Sedimo na grani: solidarnost ili sunovrat ispituje simptome, uzroke i posledice ekološke i klimatske krize, kao i njen društveni, ekonomski i politički kontekst i značaj. Kako se s njom suočavamo, kako je sagledavamo? Može li se ona zauzdati, ublažiti, zaustaviti? Kojim sredstvima? Posle skoro dve godine vanrednog stanja, ima li povratka na „normalnost“ i da li je povratak uopšte poželjan? Da li je „nova normalnost“ nužno samo beskrajni niz sve razornijih kriza, ili može da podrazumeva radikalnu redefiniciju onoga što je normalno, da ponudi alternativnu interpretaciju dobrog života i „razvijenih“ društava? Šta nam nude socijalne i političke institucije, možemo li ih reformisati, prenameniti, ili treba da gradimo druge? Koju ulogu može da igra umetnost u ovom poduhvatu i koja je tu uloga pozorišta?

Ova konferencija predstavlja jedinstveni poligon za ukrštanje pitanja i dilema povezanih sa umetničkom proizvodnjom (u polju izvođačkih umetnosti), klimatskim promenama, zagađenjem, te upravljanjem kako kulturnim institucijama, tako i gradovima. Konferencija će biti zasnovana na transdisciplinarnom pristupu, pa će na svakom panelu učesnici i učesnice biti iz različitih disciplina, omogućavajući tako mapiranje što šire slike narastajuće krize, kao i promena koje moraju da se dese kako bi se ona sprečila i ublažila.

Konferencija će biti otvorena pitanjima ima li života posle apokalipse i da li je moguć radikalni zaokret vladajuće paradigme. Drugi dan posvećen je debatama o ekološkoj krizi i klimatskim promenama, sa fokusom na uzrocima ove krize, društveno-političkim uslovima u kojima nastaje i koji se s njom prepliću, kao i sve očiglednijim posledicama koje donosi. Tokom trećeg dana, program istražuje teorijske i praktične pristupe u suočavanju sa društvenom i ekološkom krizom, sa naglaskom na novim politikama i novim horizontima lokalne i globalne solidarnosti.

Nakon konferencije, 21. i 23. septembra, biće održane i dve radionice. Jedna će se baviti pitanjem kako pozorišta mogu postati ekološki održivija, a namenjena je direktorima pozorišta, tehničkim direktorima, scenografima, kostimografima i drugim pozorišnim radnicima (Pozorište kao agent promena: mogućnost “zelene” transformacije”, Green Art Inkubator: dr Vladimir Đurđević, Fizički fakultet, dr Jovana Karaulić FDU i dr Ksenija Božović Marković, FDU). Druga radionica biće fokusirana na promišljanje kako pozorišni festivali i druge kulturne manifestacije mogu smanjiti svoj ekološki otisak ali i kako mogu u potpunosti da promene paradigmu i krenu putem odrasta (Održivost i kulturne manifestacije: novi pristupi, Milja Vuković, inicijative Za manje smeća i više sreće i Divlji Beograd i Predrag Momčilović, Platforma Zajedničko).

Svi sadržaji konferencije će biti dostupni na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.


17. septembar

Od ekspanzije do izumiranja: apokalipsa statusa quo
Distopijska budućnost nam galopirajući hrli u susret. Učestali incidenti, kao znakovi iz budućnosti, vesnici su sveobuhvatne ekološke katastrofe. Ili je ona već stigla? Razgovor koji otvara konferenciju ispituje sadašnjost kao „realno-postojeću“ distopiju i postavlja pitanje da li je moguć zaokret, radikalna promena paradigme.

Pozdravna reč: Ivan Medenica, umetnički direktor Bitefa

Franko Berardi Bifo (aktivista i filozof, Italija)
Vim Vandekejbus (pozorišni umetnik i koreograf, Belgija)
Kamila Nobrega (istraživačica i novinarka, Brazil/Nemačka)
Srećko Horvat (aktivista i filozof, Hrvatska)

Aleksandra Savanović (Platforma Zajedničko, Srbija)


18. septembar

10:00-12:00 Ekološka kriza u globalnoj i lokalnoj perspektivi

Na panelu će se razmatrati lokalni i globalni simptomi ekološke i klimatske krize, analiziraće se uzroci, prostori i akteri borbe za ublažavanje klimatskih promena i za zdraviju životnu sredinu.

Vladimir Đurđević (meteorolog, Fizički fakultet, Srbija)
Iva Marković, (programska direktorka organizacije za političku ekologiju Polekol, Srbija) )
Mladen Domazet (istraživač, Institut za političku ekologiju, Hrvatska)
Ratko Ristić (dekan, Šumarski fakultet Beogradskog Univerziteta, Srbija)

Predrag Momčilović (Platforma Zajedničko, Srbija)

12:15-14:15 Kolonijalizam, migracije i klimatske promene

Na panelu se obrađuju teme kolonijalizma, migracija i klimatskih promena kao povezanih fenomena, te njihove posledice i njihovo nasleđe.

Amanda Pinja (koreografkinja, Austrija/Meksiko/Čile)
Gulistan Sido (profesorka Univerzitet u Rožavi, Sirija)
Karlota Veber (Evropska Zelena Partija, Belgija)
Lazaro Gabino Rodrigez (pozorišni umetnik, Meksiko)

Milena Dragićević – Šešić (teoretičarka kulture, Srbija)

16:00-18:00 Društvo, umetnost i pozorište u svetu bez ljudi

Tema sveopšte društvene i ekološke krize, „doba apokalipse“, razmatraće se iz ugla filozofije i umetnosti, kao i iz pozicija ekofeminizma, kako bi se pozorište, kao i polje kulture, sagledali u ovom kontekstu kao akteri i pokretači pozitivnih promena.

Andrija Filipović (filozof, Srbija)
Maja Pelević (dramaturškinja i izvođačica, Srbija)
Boris Buden (filozof, Hrvatska/Nemačka)
Đulija Kazalini (kustoskinja i istraživačica, Italija/Velika Britanija)

Marijana Cvetković (Platforma Zajedničko, Srbija)


19. septembar

10:00-11:00 Razvoj u društvu bez rasta

Rast je postao prevladavajuća paradigma u modernom društvu – ako ne rastete, podrazumeva se da venete i umirete. Nasuprot narativu o potrebi za stalnim rastom javlja se koncept „odrasta“, ili štedljivog izobilja za novo doba, kako ga često nazivaju. Predavanje se bavi time kako naša društva možemo transformisati tako da živimo bolje i u skladu sa ograničenjima, bez suvišne jurnjave za rastom.

Vensan Lieže (inženjer, istraživač, glasnogovornik Francuskog pokreta odrasta, Francuska/Mađarska)

11:00-12:00 Ekonomski model „šuplje krofne“

Nakon predavanja nastaviće se sa predstavljanjem razvojnog modela „šuplje krofne“, baziranog na zadovoljenju društvenih potreba bez prekoračenja prirodnih limita.

Mladen Domazet (Institut za političku ekologiju, Hrvatska)
Miloš Kovačević (Platforma Zajedničko, Srbija)
Predrag Momčilović (Platforma Zajedničko, Srbija)

12:15-14:15 Gradovi kao pokretači promena

Razgovor će se baviti praktičnim politikama i primerima praksi čijom primenom gradovi mogu postati zeleniji i održiviji.


Nataša Petrušić (Rukovodilac sektora za monitoring i zaštitu životne sredine, Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine Grada Beograda, Srbija).

Aleksandar Ćirić (Rukovodilac sektora za upravljanje otpadom, Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine Grada Beograda, Srbija)

Iva Ivšić (odbornica u skupštini grada Zagreba, koalicija Možemo!/Zagreb je naš, Hrvatska)

Dobrica Veselinović (političar i aktivista, Ne da(vi)mo Beograd, Srbija)

Paskal Bonijel-Šalije (poslanica u regionalnom parlamentu za oblast Overnja-Rona-Alpi, stranka „Evropa, ekologija – zeleni“, Francuska)

Igor Štiks (pisac i politički teoretičar, BiH/Hrvatska/Srbija)

16:00-18:00 Posle pandemije – održivost kulturne produkcije i razmene

Panel je posvećen pitanju održivosti kulturne produkcije i kulturne razmene i nužnostima promene dosadašnjih načina produkcije u toj oblasti.

Janez Janša (pozorišni umetnik i teoretičar, Slovenija)
Lazaro Gabino Rodrigez (pozorišni umetnik, Meksiko)
Haris Pašović (reditelj, Bosna i Hercegovina)
Karolin Barno (producentkinja, pozorište Vidi-Lozana, Švajcarska)

Biljana Tanurovska (producentkinja i kustoskinja, Severna Makedonija)



International conference on the ecological crisis, climate change, and the ways we face them


The conference will be held in Mira Trailović Square, in front of Bitef Theatre, and all content will be available in Serbian and English language.
The entire Conference will be streamed live on the Bitef Festival YouTube channel

Devastating floods, fires, droughts, extreme temperatures and heatwaves, rapid extinction of species, global warming, rising sea levels, destruction and irreversible pollution of the environment (water, air and soil), pandemics, desertification and loss of arable land are only some of the symptoms of the growing ecological and climate crisis that has become part of our everyday lives. Despite this, social and political systems survive unimpeded, by inertia, reiterating the customary mantras: growth, development, progress, competition, merciless exploitation, profit maximisation, domination over nature (and people), ruthless rivalry, survival of the fittest. While scientists predict the accelerated multiplication of parallel crises, the system offers only cosmetic changes.

As part of the 54/55 Bitef, the conference titled We Are Sitting on a Branch: Solidarity or Downfall examines the symptoms, causes and consequences of the ecological and climate crisis, as well as its social, economic and political context and significance. How do we confront it, how do we comprehend it? Can it be curbed, alleviated, stopped? By what means? After nearly two years of a state of emergency, can there be a return to “normal” and is that return even desirable? Is the “new normal” necessarily only an endless series of increasingly destructive crises, or can it include a radical redefinition of what is normal, to offer an alternative interpretation of a good life and “developed” societies? What are social and political institutions offering to us? Can we reform them, repurpose them, or should we build others? What role does art play in this endeavour and what is the role of the theatre?

This conference represents a unique stage for cross-examining questions and dilemmas related to artistic production (in the field of performing arts), climate change, pollution, and the management of cultural institutions but also cities. The conference relies on transdisciplinary approach, so that participants in each panel come from different fields, allowing for the mapping of a broader image of the growing crisis, as well as the changes that must occur in order to prevent and alleviate it.

The conference opens with the question whether there is life after an apocalypse and whether a radical change of the dominant paradigm is possible. The second day is dedicated to debates on the ecological crisis and climate change, focusing on the causes of the crisis, the socio-political conditions within which it rises and with which it intersects with, as well as its increasingly apparent consequences. The third day of the program explores theoretical and practical approaches to overcoming the social and ecological crisis, with an emphasis on new policies and new horizons of local and global solidarity.

Following the conference, two workshops will also be held, on September 21 and 23. One will address the issue of how theatres can become ecologically more sustainable, and it is intended for theatre managers, technical directors, set and costume designers and other theatre personnel (Theatre as an agent of change: the possibilities of “green” transformation, Green Art Inkubator: Dr Vladimir Đurđević, Faculty of Physics, Dr Jovana Karaulić, Faculty of Dramatic Arts and Dr Ksenija Božović Marković, Faculty of Dramatic Arts). The second workshop will deliberate on how theatre festivals and other cultural events can reduce the ecological footprint as well as how they can completely change the paradigm and take the path of degrowth (Sustainability and cultural events: new approaches, Milja Vuković, initiatives For Less Waste and More Happiness – Zero and Low Waste Serbia and Wild Belgrade and Predrag Momčilović, Zajedničko Platform).

The conference will be held in Mira Trailović Square, in front of Bitef Theatre, and all content will be available in Serbian and English language.



17th September

From Expansion to Extinction: Apocalypse of the Status Quo
The dystopic future is galloping toward us. Increasingly frequent incidents – as signs from the future – are harbingers of a comprehensive ecological disaster. Or has it already arrived? The discussion that will open the conference examines the present as a “really existing” dystopia and raises the question if a turnaround, a radical change of the paradigm is possible.
Welcome speech: Ivan Medenica, Bitef Artistic Director

Franco Berardi Bifo (activist and philosopher, Italy)
Wim Vandekeybus (theatre artist and choreographer, Belgium)
Camila Nobrega (researcher and journalist, Brazil/Germany)
Srećko Horvat (activist and philosopher, Croatia)

Aleksandra Savanović (Zajedničko Platform, Serbia)


18th September

Ecological Crisis from a Global and Local Perspective
The panel will consider the local and global symptoms of the ecological and climate crisis, analysing the causes, spaces and actors in the struggle for alleviating climate changes and a healthier environment.

Vladimir Đurđević (meteorologist, University of Belgrade Faculty of Physics, Serbia)
Iva Marković (Program Director of the Organization for Political Ecology Polekol, Serbia)
Mladen Domazet (Institute for Political Ecology, Croatia)
Ratko Ristić (Dean, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Serbia)

Predrag Momčilović (Zajedničko Platform, Serbia)

Colonialism, Migrations and Climate Change
The panel will address the topics of colonialism, migrations and climate change and related phenomena, as well as their consequences and heritage.

Amanda Piña (choreographer, Austria/Mexico/Chile)
Gulistan Sido (Professor, University Rojava, Syria)
Carlotta Weber (European Green Party, Belgium)
Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez (theatre artist, Mexico)

Milena Dragićević – Šešić (culture theorist, Serbia)

Society, Art and Theatre in a World Without People
The topic of the comprehensive social and ecological crisis, “the time of the apocalypse”, will be examined from the standpoint of philosophy and art, as well as the position of ecofeminism, so that theatre, as well as the field of culture, might be assessed in this context as actors and drivers of positive change.

Andrija Filipović (philosopher, Serbia)
Maja Pelević (dramaturge and performer, Serbia)
Boris Buden (philosopher, Croatia/Germany)
Giulia Casalini (curator and researcher, Italy/United Kingdom)

Marijana Cvetković (Zajedničko Platform, Serbia)


19th September

Development in a Society Without Growth
Growth has become the dominant paradigm in modern society – if you are not growing, it is a given that you are withering and dying. The concept of degrowth – or frugal abundance for the new era, as it is often called – appears opposite the narrative about the need for constant growth. The lecture will address how our societies can be transformed so that we live better and in line with limitations, without the excessive pursuit of growth.

Vincent Liegey (engineer, interdisciplinary researcher, spokesman for the French degrowth movement, France/Hungary)

Doughnut Economy Model
The lecture will be followed by the presentation of the doughnut development model, based on the satisfaction of societal needs without overstepping nature’s limits.

Mladen Domazet (Institute for Political Ecology, Croatia)
Miloš Kovačević (Zajedničko Platform, Serbia)
Predrag Momčilović (Zajedničko Platform, Serbia)

Cities as Drivers of Change
The discussion will address practical policies and examples of practices whose implementation can make cities greener and more sustainable.

Nataša Petrušić (Head of Department for Monitoring and Environmental Protection, Secretariat for Environmental Protection, City of Belgrade, Serbia).

Aleksandar Ćirić (Head of Department for Waste Management, Secretariat for Environmental Protection, City of Belgrade, Serbia)

Iva Ivšić (councillor in the Zagreb city parliament, Možemo!/Zagreb Is Ours coalition, Croatia)

Dobrica Veselinović (politician and activist, Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own, Serbia)

Pascale Bonniel-Chalier (member of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, Europe Ecology – The Greens, France)

Igor Štiks (author and political theorist, B&H/Croatia/Serbia)

After the Pandemic: Sustainability of Cultural Production and Exchange
The panel will examine the issue of sustainability of cultural production and cultural exchange and the necessity for changing past production practices in this field.

Janez Janša (theatre artist and theorist, Slovenia)
Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez (theatre artist, Mexico)
Haris Pašović (theatre director, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Caroline Barneaud (producer, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Switzerland)

Moderator: Biljana Tanurovska (producer and curator, North Macedonia)