Platforma za teoriju i praksu društvenih dobara Zajedničko vas poziva na predavanje “Autonomija u svetu odrasta” koje će održati Vensan Liež, 28. novembra od 19h u prostoru Magacina u Kraljevića Marka 4-8. Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku.

Predavanje Vensana Lieža obrađuje teme odrasta i autonomije i kako naša društva možemo transformisati da funkcionišu na autonoman način i time obezbede kvalitetnije uslove života u skladu sa ograničenjima, bez suvišne jurnjave za rastom. Pre predavanja biće prikazan kratki film o kolektivu Kargonomija koji u svom radu praktikuje principe odrasta i autonomije.

Vensan Lieže je inženjer, istraživač, glasnogovornik Francuskog pokreta odrasta.

Rast je postao prevladavajuća paradigma u modernom društvu – ako ne rastete, podrazumeva se da venete i umirete. Nasuprot narativu o potrebi za stalnim rastom javlja se koncept „odrasta“, ili štedljivog izobilja za novo doba, kako ga često nazivaju. Cornelius Castoriadis autonomiju definiše kao sposobnost da sebi samima, nezavisno i svesno, namećemo zakone i pravila. Željeno društvo odrasta u prvi plan stavlja ideale poput autonomije, konvivijalnosti i regeneracije, a odbija ideologiju bezgraničnog ekonomskog rasta. Sa jedne strane, odrast je pokušaj da promene pravila u društvu kojem inače prioritete diktiraju novac, tržište i thnologija. Sa druge strane teškoje zamisliti bilo koji stvarni oblik autonomije i samoupravljanja bez preispitivanja središnjeg imperativa a to je ekonomski rast.

Predavanje organizujemo uz podršku Francuskog instituat u Srbiji i Magacina u Kraljevića Marka.


Autonomy in the world of degrowth

Growth has become the prevailing paradigm in modern society – if you don’t grow, it is understood that you wither and die. Against the narrative of the need for constant growth is the concept of “degrowth”, or frugal abundance for the new age, as it is often called. Cornelius Castoriadis defines autonomy as the ability to independently and consciously impose laws and rules on ourselves. The desired degrowth society puts ideals such as autonomy, conviviality and regeneration in the foreground, and rejects the ideology of boundless economic growth. On the one hand, degrowth is an attempt to change the rules in a society whose priorities are dictated by money, the market and technology.

The lecture deals with how we can transform our societies so that they function in an autonomous way and thereby provide better quality living conditions in accordance with the limitations, without the excessive pursuit of growth. Before the lecture, a short film will be shown about the Kargonomy collective, which practices the principles of degrowth and autonomy in its work.

Vincent Liegey is an engineer, interdisciplinary researcher, spokesperson for the French degrowth movement and co-author of Un Projet de Décroissance (Editions Utopia, 2013). He is also the coordinator of Cargonomia — a centre for research and experimentation on degrowth, a social cooperative for sustainable logistical solutions and local food distribution using cargo-bikes in Budapest.

The lecture will be held in English.

The lecture is organized with the support of the French Institute in Serbia and the Magacin in Kraljevića Marka