Autor/ka: Charlotte Hess & Elinor Ostrom
Izdavač: MIT Press
Mesto izdanja: Cambridge
Godina izdanja: 2007
Materijal: knjiga


In the first section the book gives a very thorough introduction and analysis of the concept of knowledge as a commons, appropriate for readers of all levels of familiarity with this field. Remarkably, it collocates the notion of knowledge in the context of more tangible realms, such as oceans and forests, which have traditionally been regarded as common-pool resources. The authors’ analysis, however, tends to capture communities and their knowledge generation mechanisms in too great detail – something that risks undermining the very open-ended nature of the knowledge commons. The protection of the knowledge commons is the focus of the second section of the book. Is networked digital information automatically synonymous with visible, accessible and secure information?

hess_ostrom_2007 understanding knowledge as a common